Accipiter striatus
Sharp-shinned Hawks are small, long-legged, long-tailed, short-winged hawks with small heads. Adult Sharp-shinned Hawks have blue-gray upperparts, rufous barred chests, and dark red eyes.
Accipiter striatus
Sharp-shinned Hawks are small, long-legged, long-tailed, short-winged hawks with small heads. Adult Sharp-shinned Hawks have blue-gray upperparts, rufous barred chests, and dark red eyes.
The last bird I photographed yesterday at Farmington Bay WMA was a surprise Sharp-shinned Hawk that flew in so close I could only take portraits of her or him.
This mix of urban birds were taken over a two day period close to home. Birds, no matter where they are, bring me joy, happiness, and even laughter.
When it comes to accipiters I see Sharp-shinned Hawks less frequently than I do Cooper's Hawks or Northern Goshawks so when I have a Sharp-shinned Hawk in my viewfinder I become very excited.
Last year on September 8th I located an immature Sharp-shinned Hawk in the Centennial Valley of Montana early in the morning as it flew low to the ground looking for small birds to capture and consume.