Bobcat Images

Bobcat Images, Facts and Information:

Lynx rufus

  • Bobcats are medium-sized wild cats with reddish-brown or grayish coats, black spots, and distinctive black-tufted ears. They have short “bobbed” tails, giving them their name. Males are typically larger than females.
  • Bobcats are year-round residents throughout most of the United States, southern Canada, and northern Mexico. They do not migrate but may move within their territories seasonally.
  • Bobcats thrive in various habitats including forests, mountains, deserts, swamplands, and even suburban areas. They prefer areas with dense cover and good prey populations.
  • Bobcats eat rabbits, hares, rodents, birds, fish, and occasionally deer. They are opportunistic hunters and will adapt their diet based on available prey.
  • Bobcats typically have 2 to 4 kittens per litter, born after a gestation period of about 60 to 70 days. Females raise the young alone and are generally solitary outside of breeding season.
  • Bobcats are sometimes called “wildcats” or “bay lynx”.
  • A group of bobcats can be called a “clowder”, “glaring”, “pounce”, or “destruction” of bobcats.
  • The oldest known wild Bobcat was 16 years old, while captive bobcats have lived up to 32 years.

I hope you enjoy viewing my Bobcat photos.