Yellow Garden Spider Images, Facts and Information:
Argiope aurantia
- Yellow Garden Spiders are large orb-weaving arachnids with distinctive black and yellow coloration on their abdomens. Females are larger, measuring 0.75 to 1.1 inches in body length, while males are about one-third that size.
- Yellow Garden Spiders are found throughout the continental United States, Canada, Mexico, and Central America.
- Yellow Garden Spiders prefer sunny areas with plants to anchor their webs, including backyard gardens, fields, and forest edges.
- Yellow Garden Spiders primarily eat flying insects caught in their webs, such as flies, bees, and other small flying insects.
- Female Yellow Garden Spiders deposit one or multiple egg sacs on their web. Offspring hatch in late summer or autumn, with some remaining dormant in the egg sac until spring in colder climates.
- Yellow Garden Spiders are also known as Writing Spiders, Golden Orb Weavers, Corn Spiders, and Black and Yellow Argiopes.
- The genus name Argiope means “silver face,” referring to the fine silver-colored hairs on the spider’s cephalothorax.
- Yellow Garden Spiders reconstruct their entire web daily, which can exceed 2 feet in diameter.
- The average lifespan of a Yellow Garden Spider is about one year, with females sometimes living several years in warmer climates.
I hope you enjoy viewing my Yellow Garden Spider photos.
Yellow Garden Spider in cattails
Title: Yellow Garden Spider in cattails
Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
Date: 8/22/2024
Yellow Garden Spider with prey back view
Title: Yellow Garden Spider with prey back view
Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
Date: 8/22/2024
Yellow Garden Spider side view with a grasshopper
Title: Yellow Garden Spider side view with a grasshopper
Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
Date: 8/22/2024
Yellow Garden Spider with grasshopper prey
Title: Yellow Garden Spider with grasshopper prey
Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
Date: 8/22/2024
Yellow Garden Spider in Florida
Title: Yellow Garden Spider in Florida
Location: Sawgrass Lake Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 7/26/2007
Yellow Garden Spider and its web
Title: Yellow Garden Spider and its web
Location: Sawgrass Lake Park, Pinellas County, Florida
Date: 7/26/2007