Tishomingo Wildlife Management Unit Views Plus A Sunbathing Turkey Vulture
I wandered around Tishomingo Wildlife Management Unit yesterday morning. It was gorgeous and peaceful! I know I will go back to explore it again soon.
I wandered around Tishomingo Wildlife Management Unit yesterday morning. It was gorgeous and peaceful! I know I will go back to explore it again soon.
Wet Northern Mockingbird. Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these birds from singing or coming to feed at my friend Steve Creek's feeders.
Before I left Arkansas, I had the privilege of seeing and photographing this male Eastern Bluebird teaching his young fledglings where to find food.
My mom would have been 92 today. I miss her terribly, but she is with me in so many ways. She was also with me when I went to Tishomingo NWR last Saturday.
Some of the native wildflowers I photographed yesterday morning at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge were pretty clumps of blooming Green Antelopehorns.
Last week, I was thrilled to take my first Black Vulture photos at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge, and some were portraits of the vultures that I found.
Today, I am sharing more Red-bellied Woodpecker photos that I took while visiting my friend Steve Creek and his dog Rosie in his birdy Arkansas yard and garden.
I'm sharing this Common Checkered-Skipper butterfly photo I took two days ago at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge. This was my last subject of the morning.
This morning, I am sharing a beautiful Common Buckeye butterfly that I photographed on the last day of April at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
Yesterday, I was thrilled to see my first sunrise at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma and to take my first Orchard Oriole images from there too.
On my trip to Arkansas, I was been delighted to capture Pine Siskin photos. I believe there was more than one siskin frequenting my friend Steve Creek's feeders.
I took these photos of a Fox Squirrel when the squirrel came in to enjoy a nice drink of water at my friend Steve's Creek's bird bath in his yard in Arkansas.
I've been wanting to share a few more of the male Northern Cardinal photos I took from my friend Steve Creek's deck in his very birdy yard and garden.
I simply could not allow any more time to go by without posting an image of this sweet young Eastern Cottontail I photographed in my friend Steve Creek's yard.
I had a blast taking these Blue Jay images at Steve Creek's home in Arkansas. Soon after the bluebirds fledged, the jays felt safe to come into the feeders.
I'm sharing a bunch of bird and wildlife photos that I have recently photographed in my friend Steve's yard in Arkansas, and from Sequoyah NWR in Oklahoma.
Some of my images simply make me laugh out loud. This male Eastern Bluebird photo did that because it looks like the bird is levitating over Steve Creek's yard.
This image shows a male Indigo Bunting singing on a wild grapevine in the morning. It was taken taken earlier this week at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge.
While male Pine Warblers might be brighter than females, this female Pine Warbler has a soft beauty of her own. I can't deny thinking that she is gorgeous.
It has been nine years, and I've created 3,288 consecutive daily posts. Who knows how many words or images I have shared in that time? I honestly have no idea!
Yesterday morning, I took my lifer Swamp Rabbit photos at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge after my dear friend Steve Creek pointed the rabbit out to me.
I didn't know I would be taking White-crowned Sparrow photos on my visit to Arkansas, but they do overwinter here. Thankfully, they haven't all migrated yet.
Today, I am sharing a few of the Red-bellied Woodpecker portraits I've taken in my friend and fellow photographer Steve Creek's amazing birdy yard in Arkansas.
In a previous post, I showed some of the food a male Eastern Bluebird brought in to feed his chicks. This crane fly prey had Steve and me scratching our heads.
For me, I feel peaceful when I view this Great Blue Heron photo from Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. The lush habitat plus the bird makes me feel that way.
This morning, I wanted to share a small selection of White-breasted Nuthatch photos I have taken since I arrived at my friend Steve Creek's home in Arkansas.
This Rose-breasted Grosbeak that I photographed in Steve Creek's yard, isn't a lifer for me, but these images are the best I have taken so far of this species.
Just a quick post about my American Snout butterfly lifer taken in my friend Steve Creek's garden in Arkansas. This is my first photo of this butterfly species.
It started off rainy yesterday morning, but later on, I was delighted to take images of female and male Downy Woodpeckers from the comfort of Steve's deck.
In my post yesterday I mentioned that three of the Eastern Bluebird chicks left their nest box in my friend Steve's yard. Today I am sharing two photos of them.