Male Red-winged Blackbird In Front Of A Ranch Pond
I photographed this male Red-winged Blackbird in front of a ranch pond two days ago when it felt like spring in northern Utah. This morning there is snow on the ground.
I photographed this male Red-winged Blackbird in front of a ranch pond two days ago when it felt like spring in northern Utah. This morning there is snow on the ground.
Any time I have a Rock Wren in my viewfinder is a good day for me. Yesterday was an especially good day because I had two nesting adult Rock Wrens to focus on.
I am enjoying seeing the birds that have returned to breed in Utah including this American White Pelican I photographed in low light two days ago at a local pond.
Yesterday morning I had fun taking spring male Great-tailed Grackle portraits because these males were displaying and not paying attention to me or my camera.
I took my first of year Uinta Ground Squirrel photos yesterday morning high up in the chilly Wasatch Mountains not long after the sun lit up the sagebrush.
I felt delighted to be able to take a series of this Cinnamon Teal hen lifting off from the marsh at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge yesterday morning.
The first wildflowers I photographed this spring were some Gray's Biscuitroot that I found blooming on the north end of Antelope Island last week.
Yesterday morning I spent a few minutes taking American Robin photos as they foraged for crabapples at an urban park close to home in Salt Lake City.
I was delighted to find and photograph a Yellow-bellied Marmot pup peeking out of a crack in some lichen-covered rocks on the 1st of April in northern Utah.
When I was up in northern Utah two days ago there was a male Yellow-headed Blackbird that was so close that all I could do was take portraits of him.
I found and pointed out quite a few birds yesterday but my favorite was this young Golden Eagle on a cliff in morning light because it was so beautiful.
Listening to an adult Say's Phoebe singing in low light on Antelope Island State Park two days ago was a true auditory delight for my ears.
Yesterday I spotted this Long-billed Curlew foraging and calling in the grasses of the north end of Antelope Island State Park.
This time of year I am anxiously awaiting seeing and hearing my first of season male Yellow Warbler singing from an elevated perch in the mountains.
On my trip up to Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge last week I was delighted to see and hear both Clark's and Western Grebe species from the auto tour loop.
Just a simple post this morning of a male Red-winged Blackbird singing on a sign next to the road from my recent trip up to Bear River MBR.
While I was at Bear River MBR two days ago I stopped and took a long series of photos of three Killdeer near the entrance to the auto loop.
I had a wonderful and relaxing morning at Bear River MBR yesterday and took photos of a female Yellow-headed Blackbird singing on the marsh not long after sunrise.
The song of this Western Meadowlark that I found two days ago on Antelope Island State Park was a wonderful springtime melody that I needed to hear.
I was able to get out into the field yesterday morning and while I was on Antelope Island State Park I took a series of spring buck Pronghorn photos.
Hummingbirds delight me and this male Broad-tailed Hummingbird did just that when he landed on his favorite chokecherry branch a few years ago in the mountains.
I have a lot going on right now so this morning I'm only sharing one image of an adult American White Pelican in bright morning light taken five days ago.
Last week I spent a few minutes focused on photographing an urban California Gull in soft morning light at a pond close to home.
Today is World Sparrow Day and since I love all of the sparrows on the planet I thought I'd share some of the sparrows I have photographed in North America.
When I photographed this Song Sparrow close to home two days ago it perched out in the open for almost a minute on the cool, late winter morning.
When I photographed this Great-tailed Grackle male in a pine yesterday I was torn between focusing on taking photos of him and laughing out loud.
Two mornings ago I photographed my first American White Pelican of the year in soft morning light at an urban park close to home.
I had a fun time at my local pond yesterday because it is Great-tailed Grackle breeding season and photographing these grackles kept me on my toes.
Yesterday morning I was delighted to find a late winter Savannah Sparrow out in the open to photograph next to the road.
I liked this image of an immature Great Blue Heron flying in front of the snow covered Promontory Mountains even though the heron is small in the frame.