Redhead Ducks At My Local Pond
Yesterday morning I took a brief walk at my local pond and was thrilled to see a small flock of Redhead ducks resting together on the surface of the pond.
Yesterday morning I took a brief walk at my local pond and was thrilled to see a small flock of Redhead ducks resting together on the surface of the pond.
Yes, I go to Bear River MBR to find and photograph birds, but I also go there to unwind and find comfort in the marsh and the magnificent surroundings.
This morning I am sharing this photo of a tiny Marsh Wren hanging upside down in the marsh at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge simply because I like it.
Today marks the one year anniversary of me finding my first, and so far only, White-throated Sparrow perched in a greasewood in Utah at Farmington Bay WMA.
This American Coot caught my eye on my latest trip up to Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge three days ago in part because of the still water and the reflection of the bird.
I came across an immature Clark's Grebe on Monday at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. I took photos of the grebe because I could see something on its fluffy neck.
At Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge yesterday morning, I was surprised to find a Swamp Sparrow near the far southern corner of the auto tour loop.
While walking along the Jordan River yesterday, I came upon a covey of about 25 California Quail. I was able to get close enough to photograph a few of them.
While I was at Farmington Bay WMA two days ago, this foraging female House Finch next to the road caught my eyes in the early morning light.
This morning I'm sharing a simple singing Song Sparrow photographed on a late October morning. Or is it truly all that simple?
While I was up in far northern Utah looking for birds last week, I took quite a few Red-tailed Hawk photos. I shared one image a few days ago and here are a few more.
For the first time this winter, snow fell at home yesterday night. Although the snow didn't stick, it is a sign of the weather changing.
Before and After Bird Photography Took Over My Life - Not sorry for the changes at all. Loving my wild self and life.
Rough-legged Hawk season has begun in northern Utah. I spotted my first of season Rough-legged Hawks on the wing last Friday.
While I was up in far northern Utah last week, the first bird I photographed was this immature Red-tailed Hawk that seemed to have a surly attitude about it.
Three days ago, while I was in northern Utah I found some jaywalking Wild Turkey hens near some ranchlands, which made me chuckle out loud.
This morning I'm sharing a photo of a gorgeous adult Golden Eagle that I took just as it was taking off from a ridge, shortly after I found it.
I was thrilled to find and take pictures of a Townsend's Solitaire perched on the bare branches of a sumac on my journey yesterday morning to far northern Utah.
I took this low light Mallard drake photo yesterday while I walked along the Jordan River in the chill of the early morning.
While I was at Farmington Bay WMA two days ago I saw a small flock of Greater Yellowlegs foraging, preening and resting in the wetlands in early morning light.
At Farmington Bay WMA yesterday I saw and photographed two kinds of meadowhawk dragonflies including this Band-winged Meadowhawk resting on a boulder.
Late last month I had the opportunity to take portraits of a calling Ring-billed Gull while I was looking for birds at Farmington Bay WMA.
One of the birds I had in my viewfinder at Farmington Bay WMA two days ago was a singing Song Sparrow on old farm equipment.
My best bird photos from yesterday morning at Farmington Bay WMA were of an immature Red-tailed Hawk with the shadowed Wasatch Mountain slopes in the background.
On my three recent trips up into the Wasatch Mountains I have been able to take Wild Turkey images on two of the chilly mornings.
I only had two birds in my viewfinder yesterday morning on my journey up to the Wasatch Mountains. My best images were of this American Robin on a gate post.
Being a tactile person, I appreciated getting close to and touching a cottonwood tree on the bank of the Jordan River on my walk last Sunday.
My best photos from yesterday's journey into the Wasatch Mountains weren't of birds; instead, they were of an American Badger I found along the side of the road.
Today I'm sharing a photo of a male Spotted Towhee that I captured yesterday while walking along the Jordan River in Salt Lake County early in the morning.
On my most recent trip to the Wasatch Mountains, I relished the fall colors, a Ruffed Grouse, and a pair of cuddly Uinta Chipmunks.