Raccoon Images From Sequoyah NWR
When I visited Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge with my friend Steve Creek, I was tickled to take several Raccoon images from various locations at the refuge.
When I visited Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge with my friend Steve Creek, I was tickled to take several Raccoon images from various locations at the refuge.
When I photographed this male House Sparrow in Arkansas, I wasn't thinking about how people love to hate this species. I was simply taking photos of a bird.
This morning, I am sharing young and adult Blue Jay photos that I took from my dear friend Steve Creek's deck while I was staying with him in Arkansas.
It's been mighty hot so far this summer, so today, I am sharing a cooling view of a Double-crested Cormorant in a snowstorm photo taken earlier this year.
Today I am sharing three Variegated Fritillary butterfly photos that I took at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge when I visited my friend, Steve Creek, in June.
While I visited my friend Steve in Arkansas, I was happy to hear, see, and take a few Great Crested Flycatcher photos in his yard and at the refuge in Oklahoma.
Yesterday I photographed these Showy Milkweed blooms in a summer rain. I'd gone up into the Wasatch Mountains to seek some solitude even though it was cloudy.
I was thrilled to take scores of Carolina Chickadee images when I was in Arkansas, from the comfort of my friend Steve Creek's deck while I visited with him.
I'm focusing on beetles this morning. More precisely, I'm sharing Horned Passalus Beetle photos that I took at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
On my first trip to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge I was delighted to take a series of photos of a White-tailed Deer buck in velvet crossing a gravel road.
I don't find cardinals in northern Utah, so I was super excited to take a few male Northern Cardinal photos while I was in Arkansas with my friend Steve Creek.
I'm sharing just a few photos of female House Finches this morning that I took while I was visiting my friend, Steve Creek, in Arkansas last month.
Today's image is a grasshopper on a pickup and its reflection. I don't have any idea what species it is but I hopped out of the pickup to take the photo.
Last week while I was up in the high country of the Wasatch Mountains, I was able to take a few Uinta Ground Squirrel close up photos next to the road.
These Red-headed Woodpecker photos were taken last month at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. I had one great day with this species in two spots on the refuge.
Today is a milestone day for me. I'm celebrating the fact that I have shared 3000 daily posts here at On The Wing Photography in a row.
Today's post is about American Lotus, dragonflies, and the rich habitat of Reeve's Slough at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in northeastern Oklahoma.
Today, I am tickled to share three male Common Grackle photos. I took these images in my friend Steve Creek's yard during my visit to Arkansas last month.
When I visited my friend Steve Creek, I photographed this Great Egret at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. The red vegetation floating on the water is azolla.
Today, I am sharing three Common Five-lined Skink photos that I took at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma when I visited my friend Steve Creek.
These Brown Thrasher photos were taken during three of the days I photographed from my friend Steve Creek's deck while I was visiting him in Arkansas.
This morning, I am showcasing two blooming Monument Plant photos. I took these images yesterday in Summit County, high in the Wasatch Mountains.
When I visited Sequoyah NWR for the last time before heading back to Utah I became excited when I spotted a Barred Owl perched in lush reeds.
This Fox Squirrel was one of the four squirrels my dear friend and wildlife photographer, Steve Creek, had living in his yard at his home in Arkansas.
I have to say that I was thrilled to photograph this Eastern Phoebe with prey last month while I was visiting Arkansas and Sequoyah NWR in northeast Oklahoma.
I'm sharing more American Lotus photos that were taken at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge last month when I visited my friend and photographer, Steve Creek.
When I photographed this young Red-shouldered Hawk at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge it had been fourteen years since I had this species in my viewfinder.
I'm sharing four Common Buckeye butterfly photos this morning. These images were taken at beautiful Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in eastern Oklahoma.
Just a quick post this morning highlighting a young Eastern Bluebird photographed while foraging on the ground in my friend Steve Creek's yard in Arkansas.
My mom might have left her body but she will always be with me, in my heart, and every time I am out in field surrounded by nature.