Baby Eastern Bluebird Images From The Day They Fledged
In my post yesterday I mentioned that three of the Eastern Bluebird chicks left their nest box in my friend Steve's yard. Today I am sharing two photos of them.
In my post yesterday I mentioned that three of the Eastern Bluebird chicks left their nest box in my friend Steve's yard. Today I am sharing two photos of them.
Steve and I have some sad news today: the mama Eastern Bluebird at Steve's nest box is no more. The last time we saw her at the nest box was Sunday evening.
I took this Great Egret photo yesterday at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. Even with the morning mist, I could tell something fluffy was stuck on its bill.
There are times when I take a photo, upload it to my computer, open it to view it on my screen, and my breath gets taken away. This Blue Jay portrait did that.
Today, I am sharing Pine Warbler photos that I have taken on three different days here in Arkansas. Until recently, these warblers have been a nemesis for me.
At my friend Steve Creek's home, I listen to a Northern Mockingbird sing around the clock. The mockingbird sings practically all the time, day and night.
Recently, I've had a couple of opportunities to photograph a Wilson's Snipe in the Lower Scarborough Slough at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
Yesterday, there was a foggy start to a morning of bird and wildlife photography at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. I really didn't mind the fog much at all.
Today, I am sharing portraits of a male Eastern Bluebird that were taken in my friend Steve Creek's yard. The male bluebird was bringing food in to his chicks.
Three days ago, my friend Steve Creek and I had an amazing experience with a mated pair of Barred Owls next to a road at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge.
While I was at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge yesterday, I took photos of my lifer adult Northern Cottonmouth, aka Water Moccasin, on one of the roads there.
Two days ago I was thrilled to take early morning Barred Owl portraits at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in east central Oklahoma with my friend Steve Creek.
I believe I made it to Arkansas just in time to photograph this migrating White-throated Sparrow. These sparrows spend the winter here but will soon head north.
Hello from my friend Steve Creek's amazing bird-filled yard in Arkansas, where I photographed this striking male Northern Cardinal from his deck yesterday.
Last spring, I took this young Tufted Titmouse photo in the yard of my dear friend, Steve Creek, while I was at his home resting and recuperating in Arkansas.
This Gadwall photo from last spring is the photo I decided to share this morning. It was taken at my local pond where the multicolored reflections appeal to me.
While looking at my Common Loon photos from last spring, I came across these Double-crested Cormorant photos that I took at the same time last year.
Two days ago I shared a close photo of a curbside Mourning Dove. Today I am sharing a Eurasian Collared-Dove image taken at nearly the same time and same place.
It has been a year since I was surprised and delighted to be able to take tons of Common Loon photos at a pond close to where I live in Salt Lake County.
On this chilly spring morning, I am sharing a curbside Mourning Dove that I photographed at one of my local parks three days ago, when it was warmer.
When I was at my local pond two days ago, I couldn't resist photographing a female Great-tailed Grackle whose eyes seemed to be aglow in the morning light.
I was able to get outdoors and into the sunshine yesterday. I visited my local pond and took a series of American Robin portraits at the edge of the water.
Since spring's arrival, people will be spending time outdoors, and more people will be seeing rats in their yards and gardens. Owls eat rats and other rodents.
I had considered sharing this photo of this American Lotus on Easter Sunday, but I was feeling a little raw and sad. It was my first Easter without my mother.
On April Fool's Day of 2022, I was up in far northern Utah where I spotted this adult male Yellow-bellied Marmot warming up in the morning sun on a cliff.
Three years ago today, I spotted a Marsh Wren in the marsh of Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge and stopped to take photos of the wren singing out in the open.
Today, I am sharing two Cedar Waxwing photos that I took last April during a spring snowstorm. I found this waxwing in a tree next to the Jordan River Trail.
A little birdie told me that they easily saw more than 60 turkey vultures flying over St. George two evenings ago. That birdie was my good friend April Olson.
This drake Northern Shoveler swam past me on my last trip up to Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. I couldn't resist taking photos of him. Why would I want to?
While going through photos from around this time last year, this adult Double-crested Cormorant photo, taken during a spring snowstorm, stood out to me.