American Beaver Images

American Beaver Images, Facts and Information:

Castor canadensis

  • American Beavers are large semi-aquatic rodents with thick brown fur, a large flat tail, webbed hind feet, and large incisor teeth for gnawing wood.
  • American Beavers are found across most of North America, from the Arctic tundra to the Mexican border. They are year-round residents and do not migrate.
  • American Beavers live in freshwater habitats like streams, rivers, lakes, and ponds. They build dams and lodges out of sticks, logs, and mud.
  • Beavers are herbivores that eat the inner bark, twigs, and leaves of trees like willow, maple, birch, and aspen, as well as aquatic plants.
  • Female beavers typically give birth to 2-4 kits in the spring after a gestation of around 3 months. Beavers are monogamous and mate for life.
  • Beavers are also known as “builders” for their impressive dam and lodge-building abilities.
  • A group of beavers is called a “colony” or “family”.
  • The oldest recorded lifespan for a beaver in the wild is 24 years.

I hope you enjoy viewing my American Beaver photos.