This time of year, American Robins start to sing their dawn song about an hour before sunrise. Not just one American Robin—all of them in the neighborhood.
Adult American Robin in spring
The dawn song of the robins can bother some people, but it doesn’t bother me a bit. I love hearing them.
Yesterday morning, about an hour before sunrise, I sat outside on the deck, listening to all the robins singing. I decided to head inside, grab my phone, and record their song. I’d never done that before and figured it was high time I did.
My recording picked up the song of the American Robins, a Northern Mockingbird, and the neighbors rooster crowing.
You may need to turn your volume up, but you can listen here:
My fascination with American Robins started when I was a young girl and has never faded. They still make me smile, and now I can take beautiful photos of them too.
Lately, I’ve been seeing more and more robins foraging in the grass, flitting through the trees, and acting feisty with each other. Maybe they’ll have a great breeding season—I sure hope so.
Happy Birthday to my oldest son, William. I love you!
Life is good.
Click here to see more of my American Robin photos plus facts and information about this species.
I love the robins too because they remind me of my mother. She loved them, so when I see a robin, I think of her