The last week or so has been too gray and wet to get out and photograph birds, but it has given me time to think about taking more Green Heron photos in Oklahoma.

Subadult Green Heron on a late July morning, Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, OklahomaSubadult Green Heron on a late July morning – Canon R7, handheld, f8, 1/640, ISO 2000, +0.3 EV, Canon 100-500mm at 500mm, natural light

Green Herons are not year-round residents at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge or in the part of Arkansas where I live. They migrate back to their breeding grounds here around early April.

I only saw two Green Herons twice while I lived in Utah, and I was only able to photograph one of them. You can read about that neat event here: Photographing My First Green Heron In Northern Utah

Seeing and photographing this heron species here has been a real treat. I’ve found them foraging in sloughs and on lotus pads along the Arkansas River.

The Green Heron is one of the smallest heron species in North America and can be difficult to spot because it often remains still on the edge of wetlands, blending into the surrounding vegetation.

I was walking along the Sally Jones Causeway when I spotted this subadult Green Heron perched on a fallen tree stump at the Dockery Slough. This one wasn’t all that hard to spot.

Green Herons are known to be one of the few bird species that use tools. They will drop a twig, feather, leaf, or insect into the water as bait to attract small fish.

I hope that one day I’ll be able to photograph and video that kind of behavior.

Green Herons are beautiful birds. Whether they’re young, subadult, or adult, their plumage is always gorgeous.

Life is good.


Click here to see more of my Green Heron photos plus facts and information about this species.