The cloudy weather the past couple days gave me time to go through images I meant to share—like these googly eyes on a bathroom sign I took on New Year’s Day.

Googly eyes on a bathroom sign, Joseph H. Williams Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, Osage County, OklahomaGoogly eyes on a bathroom sign

I laughed out loud when I saw the googly eyes on the sign, and of course, I had to take photos of it. Finding weird, wacky, or interesting things on my journeys into the field fascinates me. Why wouldn’t I take photos of them?

But there’s more to this googly eyes story…

I have some friends and fellow photographers in Utah—Judy and Wayne—and they have a daughter named Susan.

A few years ago, Judy and Wayne went on a trip, and when they came back home, there were googly eyes all over their house.

As I recall, the googly eyes numbered in the hundreds, stuck on bowls, books, and practically everything else!

And the googly-eyes-sticker-on-’em culprit? Their daughter Susan!

Having two sons who were—and still are—practical jokers, I can appreciate all the laughter Wayne and Judy had, and Susan too.

After the googly eyes incident, when Judy and Wayne went on another trip, they came back to find nearly 500 tiny yellow rubber ducks all over their house! Susan is quite impish, and I love it.

So, as you can imagine, when I saw the googly eyes on the bathroom sign at the Joseph H. Williams Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, that story popped right to the surface of my mind. There was no way I wasn’t going to laugh out loud!

Each and every time I look at this photo—or even think about it—I get the giggles.

Life is good.


See more of my miscellaneous images in a gallery here. This gallery might also be known as my kitchen junk drawer of photos!