Sunrise in February at Charleston Lake Park in Franklin County, Arkansas, can be extremely beautiful—glorious, relaxing, refreshing, and reflective.
Charleston Lake at sunrise in February – Cell phone image
Yesterday morning, it was wonderful to watch the sunrise at Charleston Lake. I could see the Earth’s shadow and the Belt of Venus, a soft gradient of color that never fails to make me pause and marvel. Moments like that remind me of the rhythm of our planet, the way it spins and tilts, creating these everyday miracles that are so easy to miss if we’re not looking.
Canada Geese have paired up, their gentle honks drifting across the water like a familiar greeting. The Belted Kingfishers, Northern Cardinals, American Crows, and Red-shouldered Hawks called, making music over the still water. Each call and song added a unique layer to the morning, weaving a melody that was both wild and peaceful.
Fish broke the surface of the water, ripples expanding outward, catching the light of the early sun. Bald Eagles flew over the lake, their powerful wings slicing through the air. One of the young eagles perched on a bare tree across the lake, preening and looking regal until it decided to fly off, its wings carrying it effortlessly into the sky.
For a February morning, the temps were mild—mild enough that I really didn’t need my heavy winter jacket. The air had a hint of spring to it, that barely-there warmth that makes you believe winter might release its grip soon. It’s the kind of morning that makes you want to linger outside, soaking up the fresh air and the possibility of the changing seasons.
I need my moments in nature just as much as I need food, water, and air. The quiet, the sounds, the sights—each one is a reminder of my connection to this world. Every day, I know I am a part of nature—just as much as the geese, the eagles, the fish, and the trees.
Nature isn’t just something I visit; it’s something I am.
Life is good.
Click here to see more of my scenic photos of Arkansas.
Serene and beautiful and full of promise. Thanks Mia.
Isn’t it like heaven in those times?