During the snowstorm earlier this month here in Arkansas, I didn’t just photograph birds in the snow, I also took a few photos of Fox Squirrels in the snow too.

Adult Fox Squirrel on a snowy morning in Arkansas, Sebastian CountyAdult Fox Squirrel on a snowy morning in Arkansas – Canon R7, handheld, f7.1, 1/500, ISO 1000, +2.0 EV, Canon EF 100-400mm II at 400mm, natural light

I know people who have issues with this species where they aren’t native. But today, I am writing about photographing them in a snowstorm where Fox Squirrels are native.

Yes, these squirrels can be a pain—they can even be destructive—and despite that, I enjoy having them in my viewfinder whenever I get the chance.

Photographing these squirrels in the deep snow we had was a ton of fun for me.

Fox Squirrel running in snow, Sebastian County, ArkansasFox Squirrel running in snow – Canon R7, handheld, f7.1, 1/600, ISO 1000, +2.0 EV, Canon EF 100-400mm II at 400mm, natural light

Seeing the squirrels struggling while trying to run through the deep snow was actually quite funny, and it made me laugh out loud.

My laughter ringing out over the snowy yard didn’t seem to bother the squirrels, the birds, or my dear friend Steve Creek.

Fox Squirrel on a foggy snowy day in Arkansas, Sebastian CountyFox Squirrel on a foggy snowy day in Arkansas – Canon R7, handheld, f7.1, 1/800, ISO 1000, +2.3 EV, Canon EF 100-400mm II at 164mm, natural light

The squirrels came to the feeders for nourishment, like the birds, because the snow had buried many of their other food sources. Nuts, sunflower seeds, suet, and fresh water in the birdbath helped them all through the two and a half days of snowy, cold weather.

Snow and a Fox Squirrel in Arkansas, Sebastian CountySnow and a Fox Squirrel in Arkansas – Canon R7, handheld, f7.1, 1/800, ISO 1000, +2.0 EV, Canon EF 100-400mm II at 164mm, natural light

The Fox Squirrels made me laugh, plus I was able to take photos of them in deep snow. That doesn’t happen all that often here in Arkansas, so I made the best of it. Just like I always try to do.

Life is good.


Click here to see more of my Fox Squirrel photos plus facts and information about this species.