My journeys to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma are always wonderful, even when I don’t take many photos or the weather isn’t all that great.

Yesterday morning started with the sound of Snow Geese lifting off from the Arkansas River. The geese headed toward distant fields, far enough away that they aren’t really visible in the video I took, but I enjoyed hearing them. Turn your volume up to hear them too.

To watch the video on YouTube, follow this link.

Yesterday, I saw a lot of birds and several animals, but many of them were either too far away to photograph or too skittish to stick around. And that’s okay. Sometimes, it’s just about being there. Sequoyah NWR always offers beautiful views.

Great Blue Heron hunting in a slough at Sequoyah NWR, Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, OklahomaGreat Blue Heron hunting in a slough at Sequoyah NWR – Canon R7, handheld, f8, 1/1600, ISO 2000, -1.0 EV, Canon EF 100-400mm II at 400mm, natural light

The Great Blue Heron in the photo above was hunting in one of the sloughs on the refuge. I took a few photos, and then the heron took flight.

Talking to friends at the refuge, breathing the clean air, and relaxing in nature was the balm I needed after the craziness of the week before.

Life is good.


Click here to see more of my Great Blue Heron photos plus facts and information about this species.