I’ve been waiting since the end of summer to see a Purple Finch show up, and yesterday I finally photographed a single female above the seed feeder!
Now, I don’t know for sure if the female Purple Finch is actually single. She may have a mate with her—or maybe she doesn’t. I meant “single” as in a lone finch at the feeder.
Female Purple Finch at the feeder – Canon R7, f8, 1/160, ISO 800, +0.3 EV, Canon EF 100-400mm II at 400mm, natural light
At the moment I saw the female finch I know a big grin crossed my lips.
I hadn’t seen Purple Finches up close since I moved away from Virginia in 2001. During the colder months of the year Purple Finches would drop into the feeders in my garden to join all of the other birds that kept my winters there merry and bright.
I always appreciated seeing the Purple Finches at my feeders. The males are gorgeous, and the females sublimely beautiful.
Later, when I take more images of the male and female Purple Finches I will do a post about them and how to tell them apart from House Finches. I also need to create a gallery for their images on my site.
For now? I’m just going to bask in the fact that I finally photographed a Purple Finch! I’m pretty excited, can you tell?
Life is good.
Click here to see more of my finches and allies photos in their galleries.
Terrific shot. I love the eye contact. I’m looking forward to your next post featuring these finches. Thanks Mia.
Oh come on Mia, you know they’re all floozies!
Woo Hoo! She looks incredibly proud to be photographed by you, Mia, as would I! 💜
Sweet little Finch. I too would like to see a Male Finch.
How wonderful to ‘have’ to create a new gallery.
They are nice but why are they called Pirple Finches?