While I was outside yesterday, I watched and photographed a young Fox Squirrel slowly climb down from an oak tree and run across a thick layer of pine straw. I had a strong feeling the squirrel wanted a drink.

Young Fox Squirrel running to a birdbath, Sebastian County, ArkansasYoung Fox Squirrel running to a birdbath – Canon R7, f8, 1/2500, ISO 1250, Canon 100-400mm at 400mm, natural light

I took a long series of images of the young Fox Squirrel running across the pine straw and then slowly creeping up to the birdbath. It didn’t surprise me at all when the fluffy-tailed squirrel hopped onto the birdbath for a drink.

It’s been hotter and drier than it should be in Arkansas for this time of year. Birds and animals are coming to the birdbath to quench their thirst. I’ve even been thirstier than normal.

I took a quick burst of photos of the young squirrel drinking, then got ready to take a video of them drinking as well.

If you’d like to watch the video on YouTube, you can view it here. Otherwise, start the video below.

It’s been so much fun photographing squirrels without having to drive long distances to find them. They can be pretty darn cute when they want to be—or, on the flip side, fairly piggish when it comes to the seeds in the bird feeder.

But they are just doing what squirrels do, and this one simply wanted a drink of cool, fresh water. When it left the birdbath, it headed away from the feeder and climbed up one of the nearby trees.

Me? I enjoyed photographing the young Fox Squirrel and creating this video on a pleasant autumn morning in beautiful Arkansas. The squirrel was a gift.

Life is good.


Click here to see more of my Fox Squirrel photos plus facts and information about this species.