Today, I’m sharing two hatch year Northern Mockingbird photos taken just forty-one minutes apart yesterday, each showing off a very different look and vibe.

Hatch year Northern Mockingbird on a wooden post, Sebastian County, ArkansasHatch year Northern Mockingbird on a wooden post – Canon R7, f8, 1/320, ISO 2000, +0.3 EV, Canon 100-400mm at 400mm, natural light

The first photo was taken at 9:18 a.m. and showed a young Northern Mockingbird perched on a wooden post with a nest box attached to it.

In the background, an out-of-focus stand of pine trees was lit with dappled light that softly illuminated the trunks and green pine needles. Fortunately, I also had a nice angle of light on the bird.

I like the simplicity of this mockingbird photo, the details in the bird’s plumage, and the soft light.

Hatch year Northern Mockingbird perched on shed antlers, Sebastian County, ArkansasHatch year Northern Mockingbird perched on shed antlers – Canon R7, f8, 1/320, ISO 1250, +1.0 EV, Canon 100-400mm at 400mm, natural light

Then there was this second photo of a hatch year Northern Mockingbird, which may even have been the same bird as in the first photo. It was perched on a shed antler, with sunlight falling on the pine-straw-covered grass in the background, while the bird was in a light shadow.

Even though the poses of the mockingbird in both photos were similar, the light and the setting made these images feel very different. That is my opinion; yours may vary, which is perfectly fine.

When I look at the first photo, I feel a sense of calm and peace, but when I look at the second one, I feel a touch of drama and a bit like I am on edge. Your reactions to the photos may vary as well.

Isn’t it wonderful that we all think and feel differently? That diversity in perspective enriches our experience of nature and art.

Life is good.


Click here to see more of my Northern Mockingbird photos plus facts and information about this species.