Two days ago before sunrise, I went to put suet in the feeder and found a Carolina Mantis on the stick. Later, a Pine Warbler arrived, and it got interesting.

Pine Warbler and a Carolina Mantis at a suet feeder, Sebastian County, ArkansasPine Warbler and a Carolina Mantis at a suet feeder – Canon R7, handheld, f13, 1/160, ISO 2500, +0.3 EV, Canon 100-400mm at 360mm, natural light

I photographed my first Carolina Mantis on September 11th, which was great fun for me. I shared a few photos of that mantis soon after I took my images of her.

When that Carolina Mantis flew by and I happened to see where the mantis landed. Curiosity got the better of me, so I grabbed my camera and went out to photograph it on a pine tree trunk.

The Carolina Mantis I photographed two days ago likely spent the night on the driftwood stick where the suet feeder is. I kept hoping the mantis wouldn’t fly off before there was good light to photograph her in.

Fortunately, she stuck around for most of the morning!

When this Pine Warbler flew onto the driftwood stick, it bothered the mantis enough that she flared her wings and struck a defensive pose.

Luckily for me, I was ready with the camera pre-focused on the mantis. All I had to do was quickly change my aperture setting to get both the mantis and warbler in focus, then I started taking a burst of images.

I took more photos of the mantis and warbler than I probably should have, but I don’t regret it. Knowing I may never have an opportunity like this again spurred me on, and I took full advantage of the gift these two winged creatures gave me.

I haven’t gone through all my photos of the mantis yet. There may be another post about her in the not-too-distant future. Be sure to stay tuned!

Life is good.


Click here to see more of my Pine Warbler photos plus facts and information about this species. Click here to see more of my insect and spider images.