Snowberry Clearwing Moth photos are what I am sharing this morning. The first five images were taken yesterday, and the last one was taken in the spring.

Snowberry Clearwing moth in summer, Sebastian County, ArkansasSnowberry Clearwing moth in summer

I was sitting outside yesterday afternoon when I spotted a moth hovering near some flowers in the garden. Knowing that I had a few minutes, I went inside, grabbed my camera, and then made my way through the garden to get close to the moth.

Hovering Snowberry Clearwing moth, Sebastian County, ArkansasHovering Snowberry Clearwing moth

From personal experience, I knew that Snowberry Clearwing moths aren’t especially nervous around people, so I got as close as my lens would allow. I wanted close-up photos of this beautiful moth.

Adult Snowberry Clearwing moth in Arkansas, Sebastian CountyAdult Snowberry Clearwing moth in Arkansas

There were clouds, and although they caused slower shutter speeds than I would have liked, they also helped to soften the harshness of the afternoon light.

Nectaring Snowberry Clearwing moth, Sebastian County, ArkansasNectaring Snowberry Clearwing moth

The Snowberry Clearwing moth was busy nectaring on the butterfly bush and didn’t seem to mind me standing close by, taking photos as it fed.

Snowberry Clearwing moth up close, Sebastian County, ArkansasSnowberry Clearwing moth up close

Not long after this image was taken, the moth must have gotten its fill of the flowers because it flew off towards the north. I looked for it again later in the day but didn’t see the moth again.

Snowberry Clearwing moth nectaring on salvia, Sebastian County, ArkansasSnowberry Clearwing moth nectaring on salvia

Earlier this spring I had taken photos of the Snowberry Clearwing moths but hadn’t yet gotten around to sharing this image. I figured I’d share it today. This one was feeding on the nectar of a salvia in mid April.

Life is good. So, so good.


Click here to see more of my insect and spider photos plus facts and information about them.