Last month I took these images of a Gray Treefrog at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. This just goes to show you all how far behind I am on sharing my photos!

Gray Treefrog on a green leaf, Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, OklahomaGray Treefrog on a green leaf – Canon R7, handheld, f8, 1/320, ISO 800, -1.0 EV, Canon 100-500mm at 500mm, natural light

I found this treefrog near one of the boat ramps on the refuge while walking close to the water. I couldn’t resist taking this image because it was my first view of this Gray Treefrog.

Even though I can’t see the eyes well, and there’s no catch light, it was the frog’s form and color patterns that drew me in.

The Gray Treefrogs are very different in appearance from the American Green Tree Frogs I also find at the refuge.

I don’t find nearly as many Gray Treefrogs as I do Green Tree Frogs.

Gray Treefrog side view, Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, OklahomaGray Treefrog side view – Canon R7, handheld, f8, 1/250, ISO 800, -1.0 EV, Canon 100-500mm at 500mm, natural light

The photo above features the same treefrog as in the first image; I just moved a bit to get a side view of the frog.

The last couple of times I’ve been to the refuge, I haven’t seen many frogs at all. That may be due to the drier weather and conditions at the refuge. I’ll keep looking for them, though!

I’m thoroughly enjoying photographing both species of tree frogs at the refuge.

Life is good.


Check out my reptile and amphibian photos in their galleries.