There was a surprise visitor at my friend Steve Creek’s bird bath yesterday—it was a gorgeous young Painted Bunting that decided to spend some time in his yard.

Young Painted Bunting at a bird bath, Sebastian County, ArkansasYoung Painted Bunting at a bird bath – Canon R7, f7.1, 1/640, ISO 1250, +1.0 EV, Canon 100-400mm at 300mm, natural light

When I first saw the bunting, I thought it was a migrating warbler. That was until I noticed the bird’s bill, which is too heavy for a warbler. A split second later, I realized that this was a bunting.

As far as I can recall, I’ve only seen a few Indigo Buntings in Steve’s yard and just one adult male Painted Bunting. They were all too far away to photograph.

Perched young Painted Bunting, Sebastian County, ArkansasPerched young Painted Bunting – Canon R7, f8, 1/1600, ISO 1250, Canon 100-400mm at 360mm, natural light

Thankfully, this young bunting was within reach of the lens I was using! I’m grateful the bunting returned to the vine after being chased away from the bird bath by another small bird.

I was focused on standing and photographing the immature bunting, unsure at the time whether it was a young Indigo or Painted Bunting.

Note: There’s time for identification after I get the photos I want. I’m not going to take my eyes or camera off of the bird until then.

Fluffed up immature Pained Bunting, Sebastian County, ArkansasFluffed up immature Pained Bunting – Canon R7, f8, 1/2500, ISO 1250, Canon 100-400mm at 360mm, natural light

I took quite a few photos while the immature bunting was perched on this vine. The bunting gave us several different poses before it flew off again.

When I uploaded my photos to my external hard drive, I was fairly certain that the young bunting was a Painted, so I double-checked the ID on Merlin, the Cornell Bird App, to confirm my identification. Merlin suggested Painted too.

This young Painted Bunting was a very nice surprise for both Steve and me. I hope it sticks around for a bit before the youngster continues migrating!

Life is good.


Click here to see more of my Painted Bunting photos plus facts and information about this species.