How my photo of a white feather floating on a pond became the cover art for the new single “Eulogy Air” by Run The Enemy, a British indie and Americana band.

Eulogy Air - Cover Art for the Run The Enemy Band

John Buckley, of the band Run The Enemy, contacted me a while ago about licensing my photo of a white feather floating on a pond for the cover art of their new single “Eulogy Air” because a floating feather is mentioned in the song.

John described what the song “Eulogy Air” was about and provided me with a link to listen to it before it was released. I could only listen for a few seconds, but even so, I knew my feather floating on a pond would be the perfect cover art for this song.

Now, John had provided me with a link to the whole song, but at that time, I was raw with emotions because of the one-year anniversaries related to my mom’s passing.

One year since she went to the hospital, one year since she was placed in hospice, one year since I cleared out her apartment, one year since the last time I hugged her, and so on, until the one-year anniversary of her death. I couldn’t listen to the song without tears falling from my eyes. I was simply that raw and missing her with every fiber of my being.

By the time the one-year anniversary of Mom’s death had passed, I was in a better place emotionally, and I could listen to the song in its entirety.

“Eulogy Air” is a song exploring the various symbols in everyday life that have spiritual value to those suffering loss. “The bark upon a willow, the fold upon a pillow, the foam against the tide, you’ll see me some time.” The song invites the listener to remember a lost loved one through these symbols: “Sing for me this Eulogy, Take the lead and harmony….Whenever you sing now, I’ll be there.”

As many of you know, my mom was my biggest fan who gave me a lifetime of support and unconditional love. After she passed away, I wrote here on my site that “she will always be with me, in my heart, and every time I am out in the field surrounded by nature. She will be in the wind, the warmth of the sun, the songs of the birds, and the scent of the earth.”

And that is true.

“Eulogy Air” is a song that my mom would have loved, that I do love, and find soothing now that I am not so raw.

You can listen to “Eulogy Air” on Spotify and YouTube, and if you are grieving the loss of a loved one, you might find it as soothing as I do.

John and the rest of the members of Run The Enemy,

I want you to know how honored I am that you used my floating feather as your cover art for “Eulogy Air.” Each time I listen to the song, I am touched by the heartfelt lyrics and the music. I thank you from this side of the pond.

Life is good.


Eulogy Air Lyrics

The next stop is mine
You’ll see me some time
I’m the bark upon a willow
The fold upon a pillow
The foam amongst the tide
You’ll see me some time

Maybe next year not this
I’m a bit hit and miss
I’m the changes in the weather
The floating of a feather
The red stain of your wine
You’ll see me some
See me some

Sing for me this Eulogy
Take the lead and harmony
Open your lungs now
Swallow the air
Whenever you sing now
Sing now sing now sing now
I’ll be there

The next stop is mine
You’ll see me some time
I’m the bark upon a willow
The fold upon a pillow
The foam amongst the tide
You’ll see me some time

Maybe next year not this
I’m a bit hit and miss
I’m the changes in the weather
The floating of a feather
The red stain of your wine
You’ll see me some

See me some

Sing for me this Eulogy
Take the lead and harmony
Open your lungs now
Swallow the air
Whenever you sing now
Sing now sing now sing now
I’ll be there
Eulogy air

So come on and sing now
Sing now sing now sing now
Whenever you sing now
Sing now sing now sing now
I’ll be there
Eulogy air

So come on and sing now