I was thrilled two days ago to photograph my lifer Inca Dove in the yard of my friend and talented photographer, Steve Creek, in Arkansas. I was beyond excited.

Adult Inca Dove in Arkansas, Sebastian CountyAdult Inca Dove in Arkansas – Canon R7, f8, 1/500, ISO 1250, -0.3 EV, Canon 100-500mm at 500mm, natural light

The dove flew in while I was sitting on Steve’s deck by myself. When the Inca Dove flew in, at first I thought I was seeing a tinier-than-normal Northern Mockingbird.

Then my brain caught up with my eyes, and I drew in a deep breath. I had been waiting to see this dove species, and there it was!

The dove lifted off from under the feeder and flew a few feet toward a stand of pine trees. I quickly took a few photos, poked my head into the door of Steve’s house, and told him that there was an Inca Dove in his yard.

Then I stepped back outside to take a few more images before the bird flew behind some of the pines.

Do I wish the Inca Dove had been closer? That the scaly dove had stayed longer? That I had gotten better images of this beautiful member of the dove family?

My answer would be a resounding “yes” to all of those questions. Of course, I’d want more time, closer photos, and better images. What bird photographer worth her salt wouldn’t want that?

I’ll keep looking for more opportunities with Inca Doves. I’ve memorized the call of this species. I’m super excited about the possibilities.

Life is good.


Click here to see my pigeon and doves photo gallery.