Today, I am sharing an image of an adult male Pine Warbler photographed in Arkansas. I enjoy viewing the photo because of the contrasting sunlight and shadows.

Your tastes may vary, and that is perfectly fine.

Adult male Pine Warbler and shadows, Sebastian County, ArkansasAdult male Pine Warbler and shadows – Nikon D500, f8, 1/500, ISO 640, Nikkor 500mm VR, natural light

I’ve only photographed this species a few times in Arkansas, and I’ve had fun every time I’ve had them in my viewfinder. I also love hearing them sing; they really belt out their songs.

When I took this photo in May, there were heavy shadows in the background, and only parts of the vine were illuminated by the morning sun. The male Pine Warbler happened to move into a spot on the vine where he was in the sunlight, making the shadowy background appear almost black.

The Pine Warbler was heading towards a suet feeder. I had no idea that this species liked suet until I visited my dear friend Steve Creek in Arkansas last year. I’ve also read they are attracted to sugar water, fruit, and nut pieces.

Pine Warblers are named for their habit of nesting in pines.

Isn’t he a gorgeous bird?

Life is good.


Click here to see more of my Pine Warbler photos plus facts and information about this species.