Is this a landscape photo with a Great Egret in it or a bird image with a bottomlands hardwood forest habitat in it? You get to decide, it doesn’t matter to me.

I simply wanted to share it and explain why I like this photo.

Foraging Great Egret in a morning mist, Tishomingo Wildlife Management Unit, OklahomaForaging Great Egret in a morning mist – Nikon D810, f7.1, 1/640, ISO 500, Nikkor 18-200mm VR at 200mm, natural light

Whatever you decide it is, this image was taken at Tishomingo Wildlife Management Unit last month. This was after my GPS took me to the WMU on some crazy, pot-holed filled backroads when it could have taken a different, less bumpy route. Thank goodness it was getting close to sunrise, or I might have hit some really deep potholes.

Entering the WMU from the south end means a long drive over a pretty gravelly road, and there was plenty of mist and fog that morning. I drove slowly so I could take in the scenery and so I wouldn’t be going fast if a deer, bear, skunk, raccoon, or bobcat jumped in front of my Jeep.

A few weeks ago, I shared photos of some of the scenery I saw that morning at the Tishomingo WMU and one Turkey Vulture image.

Today, I am sharing just this one combo bird and scenery image because I like the mood the photo conveys. I also enjoy the sun-kissed treetops in the background, the water in the foreground, the vapors or mist rising off the water, and the ghostly looking tree stumps in the water.

The foraging Great Egret in the frame? I think the wading bird adds something to the photo, and it wouldn’t be the same without the egret or hold as much appeal for me as it does.

Your tastes may vary, and it’s okay if they do.

Happy Summer Solstice! May the magic of summer begin.

Life is good.


Click here to view more of my Great Egret photos plus facts and information about this species. Click here to see more scenic photos of Oklahoma, which I will be adding to very soon.