This Swamp Rabbit photo is from my second visit to Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge. I was on a gravel road as far as I could go before turning around when I saw it.

Swamp Rabbit at Tishomingo NWR, Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge, Johnston County, OklahomaSwamp Rabbit at Tishomingo NWR – Nikon D500, f8, 1/2000, ISO 800, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light

The rabbit didn’t appear to be concerned with my presence at all so I stopped my Jeep, turned off the motor, and photographed her or him while it nibbled on the roadside grasses. Using my Jeep as a mobile blind worked out extremely well, as it usually does.

I sent the image to my dear friend, fellow photographer, and very knowledgeable Steve Creek just to be sure that it was a Swamp Rabbit since my experience with this species is limited. Steve has far more experience with them than I do.

Giving credit when credit is due is something I make a habit of for identifications and when people point out birds or wildlife because it is the right thing to do.

I had fun focusing on this rabbit for a bit in the lovely light that I had. The previous time I photographed this species at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in northern Oklahoma with Steve, I had low light conditions. Having this one in good light made me happy.

Since the day I photographed this Swamp Rabbit I have seen this species several times at Tishomingo NWR.

As I explore my new area, the refuges, the wildlife management units, and the roads I travel, I am finding so much joy in locating new and familiar subjects to view through my lens. What is not to love about that?

Swamp Rabbits are becoming familiar to me. One day, I hope to photograph one of these rabbits swimming, they actually do that!

Life is good.


Click here to see more of my Swamp Rabbit photos plus facts and information about this species.