When I was at Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge a few days ago, I found and photographed this Western Cattle Egret while on the Wildlife Drive auto tour route.

Western Cattle Egret in breeding plumage at Hagerman NWR, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, Grayson County, TexasWestern Cattle Egret in breeding plumage at Hagerman NWR – Nikon D500, f8, 1/3200, ISO 1250, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light

This wasn’t the only cattle egret I saw, but it was the only one close enough to photograph. I appreciated the fact that the egret was still in breeding plumage. I haven’t seen these egrets in that plumage since before I left Florida in 2009.

The day was dark and dreary, and I do wish the light had been better.

I’ve been seeing large flocks of these egrets at home, feeding in the fields. I wonder what they are eating and hope to find out soon. The weather hasn’t cooperated, though; it has been sunny and windy, or cloudy, windy and stormy.

Roadside Western Cattle Egret, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, Grayson County, TexasRoadside Western Cattle Egret – Nikon D500, f8, 1/2500, ISO 1250, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light

The light is supposed to be better today but I am heading out before first light to one of the other nearby refuges.

I did see Western Cattle Egrets in Utah now and then. Here, I know that will be seeing them more far more frequently.

Life is good.


Click here to see more of my Western Cattle Egret photos plus facts and information about this species.