This morning, I am sharing a beautiful Common Buckeye butterfly that I photographed on the last day of April at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
Common Buckeye butterfly resting on grass at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge – Nikon D810, handheld, f10, 1/500, ISO 500, Nikkor 70-300mm VR at 300mm, natural light
My dear friend Steve Creek spotted this butterfly when he walked down to the water’s edge of Reeve’s Slough while I took a nature break. I’m grateful that Steve pointed the butterfly out to me and wanted to be sure to give him credit for doing that. I wouldn’t have seen it without his help.
I was able to get quite close to the butterfly and take frame filling images of it using my backup Nikon D810 with my Nikkor 70-300mm lens attached.
The way the Common Buckeye butterfly was perched on a blade of dew covered grass in the lovely soft morning light was very pleasing to my eye. I took quite a few images of this gorgeous butterfly before thanking it and walking back to Steve’s pickup.
Although I am primarily a bird photographer, I enjoy seeing and photographing practically everything I find when I am out and immersed in nature.
Everything in nature is connected, including me.
Life is good.
Click here to see more of my insect and spider galleries.
Wow! Such detail and the colors are amazing. Thanks Mia.
Yet another winged beauty. And I am glad that the comments are back.
They may call it a Common Buckeye Butterfly but it is so very beautiful
Great shot! Thanks to both of you.