On the 10th of November while I was walking the Jordan River I went close to the river to take a few photos of the rapids and caught a water wolf in one frame.
Wolf in the water – Nikon D500, f6.3, 1/800, ISO 800, +0.7 EV, Nikkor 70-300mm VR at 300mm, natural light
Of course it wasn’t actually a living, breathing, furry wolf. But I can see the face, ears and eye of a wolf in the water. Can you see it too?
Seeing faces in inanimate objects is a common type of pareidolia, the tendency to assign meaning to patterns. In this example I see the face of a wolf or some kind of mystical canid in the rapids.
If there had been a real wolf in the Jordan River a whole bunch of dumb yahoo lawmakers on Capitol Hill would have been crapping their pants. The Utah Legislature has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to a guy to look for wolves in Utah because… well, they are afraid of wolves and don’t want them back in the state.
So if any of those scared lawmaker lumps find and read this post, just chill dude. It won’t bite. It’s water and imagination. No reason to get your tighty-whities in a knot or have apoplectic fits.
Maybe it is just a dragon.
If I ever see a real live wolf in Utah, I won’t say a word about it. About that, you can be certain.
I took a couple of videos of the morning mist rising from the rapids and decided to share one of them today. The air temperature was much cooler than the water that morning. I had a lovely walk and even saw a few birds.
Life is good.
Click here to see more of my Miscellaneous photos which are basically images that I have taken that just do not fit into one specific category.
In case you couldn’t see the wolf I am attaching a copy of the image with the wolf outlined. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
It took a minute but I think I see the water wolf in the dark area on the right. I had to squint a little…but if my eyes and imagination are serving me correctly…there he is! I gotta say, however, just looking at the river is magic enough. Your video is beautiful.
I love your commentary about wolves and our ever attentive Congress…I couldn’t agree more! The most destructive force in our country are the very people who are supposed to save it. Shameful.
I see it! Wow!
Thank you for that charming video. I couldn’t see your wolf – but DO look for patterns. In the clouds particularly. And hope I always will.
I caught a glimpse of the wolf…
Pareidolia is considered a gift to artists when visualizations result in inspiration.
I love the way you are inspired by birds.
Thanks for sharing your whimsical world with us…
And yet, as top predators, wolves keep prey species like deer and beaver in healthy condition. In turn, plants thrive when they are not overgrazed, the rivers and streams are maintained. I like wolves!
Thanks!! A nice whimsical way to start the day!
You won’t have to worry about your legislators seeing the wolf. After all, doing so requires water and imagination and thanks to their policies around the GSL, they obviously lack both.
The video is a lovely start to my day. Reminds me of the closing videos on the CBS Sunday Morning show.
Your words spoke my language. Afraid of wolves but what about the wolves with rifles and AK47. No worries there, of course!
I wish to see a wolf someday, one that is healthy and free!
Thanks for your many great posts. I enjoy them very much.
Beautiful post and I see the wolf too!!
Thanks Kristal, love you!
I really admire your ability to use whimsy and irony and sarcasm in the same post, especially when talking about “Nature vs The Man”. I am constantly amazed that they don’t look in the mirror and recognize that they are the real monsters in the natural world.
They don’t recognize themselves because they are egotistical & narcissistic.
So true Liz!
Suzanne, I don’t know what they see in the mirror but I do wish they would see the monsters that they truly are.