While I was up in far northern Utah last week, the first bird I photographed was this immature Red-tailed Hawk that seemed to have a surly attitude about it.
Surly looking immature Red-tailed Hawk – Nikon D500, f7.1, 1/1000, ISO 640, +1.3 EV, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light, not baited
I know that it is only my perception that caused me to think this young Red-tailed Hawk was surly. I can’t stop laughing when I look at this photo.
Why? Because I know that this bird isn’t as grouchy, sullen, serious, cantankerous, or ill-tempered as my mind keeps trying to make it out to be.
The immature Red-tailed Hawk was simply preening.
I edited seven other photos from the morning that I took the image above of five other Red-tailed Hawks that I was going to share together in a single post. However, I couldn’t stop laughing every time I viewed this picture. I still can’t.
Both of my sons have told me that at times I have a strange sense of humor and I tend to agree with them. Mostly.
My hope is that by sharing this photo on its own that I will be able share and write about those other seven images of the five different Red-tailed Hawks without laughing. Time will tell.
It is said that laughter is good medicine. Sometimes I just enjoy it a bit much.
Life is good.
Click here to see more of my Red-tailed Hawk photos plus facts and information about this species.
Now that’s a serious stink-eye! Fun pic. Thanks Mia.
Clearly a teen-ager, Mia!
Laughter NEVER goes astray. And yes, the young hawk does look to have the huffs.
I think we may be a bit warped. I nearly choked on my coffee.
Hello: I enjoyed all your images of Red Tailed Hawks—especially the one showing an adult sitting in the nest with a twig in its mouth. Very touching to think these beautiful creatures build “homes” of simple twigs. BTW, what is the best way to reach you about purchasing one of your images for a children’s book I’m writing. —Jeri
If you have a “strange sense of humour” then I do too. I laughed when I saw the image as well. He does look cantankerous. Great shot!