Today is special day here at On The Wing Photography because it marks my 4000th post AND it is also my Mom’s 90th Birthday!
Happy 90th Birthday Mom!
I took this Mountain Bluebell photo four years ago today while my mother was visiting me in Utah. It was a special treat to have her with me on her birthday and to spend the morning with my mom up in the Wasatch Mountains. We were both taking photos of the birds, animals, flowers and the scenery that we found together.
I knew that I wanted to select a photo I took on her birthday four years ago to create a birthday card for her. I put this image on my mom’s Facebook page this morning too. I’ll be calling my mom later this morning.
It worked out nicely that I am writing my 4000th post on her birthday of all days.
I’m Sticking with A Sky Blue Theme Today
Male Lazuli Bunting perched in sage – Nikon D500, f7.1, 1/2500, ISO 640, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light
Since my primary focus at On The Wing Photography IS birds I also wanted to share some bird photos to celebrate my 4000th post here. Two days ago I listened to and photographed this striking male Lazuli Bunting perched on top of sagebrush in northern Utah. The beautiful blue color of his breeding plumage stood out well in the sea of sage.
Lazuli Bunting male singing on sagebrush – Nikon D500, f7.1, 1/2000, ISO 640, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light
I enjoyed listening to this male Lazuli Bunting singing while he perched on the sage as much as I was delighted to photograph him. Before long the buntings will head to habitats in Utah where they will breed. I most often see them nesting high in the Wasatch Mountains.
There is a weird coincidence from this day four years ago. Right before my mom visited me in 2018 I was bitten by a no-see-um next to my right eye and my eye was swollen up from the bite when I picked my mother up from the airport. Two days ago I got bit by another no-see-um by my right eye and this morning as I write my eye is swollen again. I was wearing a no-see-um head net which worked well but I made the mistake of taking off the netting when I thought there weren’t any of those biting gnats around. While I was stopped to look for birds at a ranch pond one of the nasty buggers found me.
Happy Birthday, Mom! I you!
Life is good.
Click here to see more of my Lazuli Bunting photos plus facts and information about this species. Click here to see more of my flower, shrub and tree photos.
Great post Mia. Happy Birthday to your Mom and congrats on your 4,000th post. That’s 4,000 times you have enlightened us with your beautiful images and insightful commentary. Very cool. Thanks.
Late to comment, but Happy Birthday to your mom she is the same age as my dad who’s birthday was in April. Congratulations on the 4000th post, that is a lot of work. Lastly I hope they eye is better soon, the irritation and weeping suck!
This is a really nice tribute.
Apple > Tree = Not far.
Congratulations, Mia! Happy Birthday, Mia’s Mom! So glad you shared that bluebell day together!
And, WOW, those gorgeous lazuli buntings!
Congratulations, that is a lot of posts and an awful lot of great pictures!
Happy 90th Birthday to Mia’s Mom and congratulations on your 4000th post, a milestone.
Happy Birthday, Mia’s Mom (yay for May babies!)!
And congrats on 4000 posts, Mia!
Sorry about the bite — hopefully, you will heal quickly.
Definitely a special day – despite the bite. Happy birthday to your mama, and congratulations to you.
And thanks for the very definite eye candy.
They have a beautiful shade of blue. Vibrant. Most of the birds are in shades of brown. Reminds me of my Grandmother’s Parakeet. Congratulations on Number 4000! That takes a lot of dedication. You obviously love your “job”…And I am glad to see your post again.
Enjoyed, Mia. Here for the first time. BTW, I loved your quote: “By knowing my subjects I can find my subjects.” That’s something I preach.
Happy Birthday Mia’s Mom! Happy 4000 th post Mia!
Congratulations to you and your Mom. I can not get enough of Lazuli Bunting images and yours are beautiful. The biting gnats on the Fulf Coast of Florida were horrid in late spring and early summer. We did not have them at our home in inland south Florida.
Congrats to you both! Bummer about the eye!
Happy Birthday to your Mom! And congratulations on reaching 4000! Wow! Beautiful Lazuli and thanks for sharing your photos and info.
Congratulations to both of you! I hope you eye swelling goes down quickly.
Congratulations Mia (and mom!),
What a gift to all of us OntheWing fans.
Thank you and have a great day!
Thanks so much for all the significant educating you do with your post. It means so much to me.
Congratulations to both of you! Have a great day!