Say’s Phoebe singing in low light – Nikon D500, f7.1, 1/320, ISO 2000, +0.3 EV, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light
Listening to an adult Say’s Phoebe singing in low light on Antelope Island State Park two days ago was a true auditory delight for my ears. Photographing the Say’s Phoebe brought me joy despite the low light. I photographed this phoebe again later in the morning when the sun was higher but honestly I liked these low light photos the best.
There is an appealing softness to my images caused by the low light that I didn’t find in the photos I took later in the morning.
Head on Say’s Phoebe – Nikon D500, f7.1, 1/320, ISO 2000, +0.3 EV, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light
And More About Honorific Names
The last time I shared Say’s Phoebe photos I wrote about their honorific name and about the movement to change the non-descriptive, patriarchal, honorific names to more descriptive names. The movement also aims to rename birds whose honorific common names are associated with racism.
I upset one of my blog viewers with my statements of support for changing the honorific names with my post that morning. A blog viewer named Karen wrote this in a comment – “are associated with racism” … REALLY??? I love your photos but your “politics” make me want to spit nails at you. Sorry.
To which I replied – Karen, being anti-racist isn’t about politics, it is a moral imperative. Go ahead and spit nails. I’m strong enough to take that.
That was last June. I still support changing non-descriptive, honorific names of birds, especially those that are associated with racism.
I also still think that Rufous-bellied Phoebe would be a great descriptive name for this species.
The head on Say’s Phoebe in the photo above made me chuckle and that is a wonderful thing.
Life is good.
Click here to view more of my Say’s Phoebe photos plus facts and information about this species.
I do not see the racism associated with the original name (my ignorance maybe).
Would you please educate me.
And by the way your re-name is more appropriate for the looks of the bird.
Your web site is wonderful to follow and the info of various birds is spot on.
Gordon, I don’t believe there is any racism associated with the name Say’s Phoebe but there is for other bird names. Say’s Phoebe is definitely an honorific name though.
Thank you for your kind words on my site![🙂](
Count me in too.
Music largely passes me by – except for nature’s songs…
Count me in for “Rufous-bellied Phoebe” and for chuckling at the head-on shot! He looks so grumpy!
Another thank-you for the link to the song is in order — I now know where my dad got his “call” for our cat when I was little.
Beautiful photos of this “Rufous-bellied Phoebe” and I love being able to listen to them as I read your post.