Spring Has Arrived When The Swallows Return To Northern Utah
Violet-green Swallow adult back view
Gray cloudy days have kept me out of the field lately, but I have been having visions of spring’s arrival and with it migrating birds. Some people think that American Robins are signs of spring’s arrival. For others they think of Red-winged Blackbirds, bluebirds or even Turkey Vultures. Swallows are definitely a birdy sign of spring for me because these insect eating birds usually don’t show up until spring has arrived.
Today I wanted to share swallow photos that show the six species of swallows I see and photograph in northern Utah while they are here for their nesting season.
Last spring I was able to photograph nesting Violet-green Swallows in a range of sky island mountains that are west of where I live in Salt Lake City. I hope that this nesting season I will be able to spend more time observing and photographing these colorful swallows.
Violet-green Swallows are mainly found in western North America.
Tree Swallow warming up on a road
Tree Swallows can be found throughout most of North America at some point during the year. I find them most often in the mountains, marshes, wetlands, and some sky island mountains ranges in northern Utah. The bright iridescent blue feathers of the males are quite eye-catching.
Northern Rough-winged Swallow in the Wasatch Mountains
During the breeding season Northern Rough-winged swallows can be found from southeastern Alaska, Canada, Mexico and throughout the lower 48 states. I find them in the mountains and along creek and riverbanks in northern Utah.
Adult Cliff Swallow warming up in the morning light
Cliff Swallows have a huge range during their breeding season. They breed in Alaska, Canada, Mexico and most of the lower 48 states excluding Florida. I photograph this species in the marshes, wetlands, valleys, mountains, and mountain canyons in Utah.
Immature Bank Swallow in marsh habitat
I don’t have as many opportunities to photograph Banks Swallows as I would like. I know where they nest in one area of the Wasatch Mountains but that spot is on private property that I can only see from a long distance. I keep hoping that I can locate a colony of nesting Bank Swallows that I can photograph.
During their nesting season Banks Swallows can be found from Alaska across northern Canada then south to California, Texas and North Carolina.
Spring Barn Swallow adult in wetlands
Barn Swallows can be found throughout much of North America during their breeding season. I photograph them most often in the marshes and wetlands that surround the Great Salt Lake, in the mountains and on Antelope Island State Park.
Who knows, with climate change I may one day photograph Cave Swallows in northern Utah.
As I sit here hoping for rain today and snow in the next few days I can’t help but think of spring and the swallows that are already on the wing heading towards me in Utah. I can barley wait to spot my first of the year swallows.
Life is good.
Click here to see more of my swallow photos plus facts and information about each species.
Truly lovely series! The iridescence is so pretty in your images of the Tree Swallow and Barn Swallow. Total respect for any Violet-green Swallow photos. They’ve been a nemesis bird for me in terms of pictures. But I love seeing them, even though I’ve yet to capture a good shot.
Extraordinary shots! Every pic is beautiful! The colors and detail you capture never ceases to amaze me. Thanks Mia.
Very nice.
Beautiful! My spring bird is American Avocet but they are already here in The end of January this year!
Ditto to all the previous comments. Wow! and helpful Swallow identifiction collection were the first things I though of after viewing this nice collection of photos of these beautiful birds.
With all these beautiful swallows (the Violet-green “butt-shot” shows off his colors fabulously!), I can’t help but be reminded of the song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8PrwNHdQv8
Love em all!!
Lovely and very helpful Swallow identification collection – thanks!