Fresh snow on the marsh at Farmington Bay WMA – Cell phone photo
Even though it is still dark outside I can tell that heavy snow fell overnight and that it is still snowing. The conifer tree across the street is decked out with snow and it is as pretty as any Christmas tree I have ever seen. Maybe more so because it was decorated by Mother Nature. We need the snow and the moisture it will provide after a long, long year of drought.
Six years ago this morning I took this landscape photo of Farmington Bay WMA after fresh snow fell overnight. The sky was just starting to clear and the Wasatch Mountains were poking through the clouds. It was wonderful to see and photograph the marsh and birds that morning.
Today I don’t want to be out on the roads because it is probably not the safest thing to do. People have gotten used to less snow here and they seem to have forgotten how to drive on it. Last week when it snowed in the valley there were more than 270 accidents in the Salt Lake City area because people weren’t being careful enough on the mere 2 to 3 inches of snow that fell.
Great Egret in snow at Farmington Bay WMA – Nikon D810, f7.1, 1/2000, ISO 320, +1.7 EV, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light
I took this Great Egret in the snow image the same morning as the landscape shot above. A snow white egret in the snowy marsh, what a delight.
I haven’t been outside to measure the snow but I’d estimate that 6 to 8 inches have fallen already just by looking out my living room window.
As much as I would love to be at Farmington Bay, Antelope Island, or anywhere north of here to look for birds the farthest I might drive today is down to my local pond just to be on the safe side. Plus there is more snow in the forecast starting about 1 a.m. on Thursday continuing into Friday morning.
It does look like a winter wonderland here this morning. Local friends… ya’ll be careful out there.
Update, make that 11 inches of snow… 12 inches of snow on my Jeep roof when I cleared it off.
Life is good.
Click here to see more of my Great Egret photos plus facts and information about this species. Click here to see more of my Farmington Bay WMA photos and information about the WMA.
Two thoughts – It’s about time and ain’t it beautiful?!? Great pic of the Egret…subtle and compelling. I can almost hear the quiet. Thanks Mia.
Absolutely love the Egret in the snow, and very glad you’re getting much needed moisture even if it is a pain in many other respects.
Glad you got some snow. And glad you’re not going out in it. We finally had some decent rain here yesterday and people were driving like lunatics — both ways. Hope you got a quick snap on your phone of the tree across the street. I’ll bet it is still lovely.
I love the great egret in the snow! As much as I like snow it was a lot of shoveling, heavy wet stick to to shovel snow. 3 hours of work and I still need to do the front walk.
April it took me more than 45 minutes to get the snow off of my Jeep so I understand about the shoveling. There was probably 16 in of snow on the roof of my Jeep and being a short person made it harder to get that wet snow off
Please send us some snow to Albuquerque, if you can spare it. Great pics, per usual. Thanks
I am thrilled that you are finally getting the much needed moisture. Stay safe, stay warm.
I am glad you are getting snow and much needed moisture. Stay safe.
Beautiful photos, Mia! And, so glad to hear you received

Gorgeous photos today. Glad you will have some moisture but yes, snow makes life difficult for many creatures, including us.
SO glad you finally have a good amount of snow there. I laughed at the Great Egret in the snow….black legs & a yellow bill.