I had a spectacular morning yesterday high up in the Wasatch Mountains and among the highlights of the day was a herd of cow Elk moving down a hillside just before 9 o’clock. I am thankful that I looked up towards the middle of the western slope of the canyon or I might have missed a wonderful opportunity. My companion would have too.
Click on the first image to start a slide show or scroll through the photos one by one.
I believe that the Elk were moving down the sagebrush dotted slope towards a creek to get a drink but they didn’t just draw the attention of this photographer they also stopped joggers dead in their tracks and I think that was just a few too many people on foot for them. I only saw one of the Elk take a drink before they all started acting nervous and moved back up the hillside and into the safety of some aspens higher up on the mountain than they were when I first spotted them.
I believe there were eight to ten Elk in the small herd but I was so excited I never once stopped to count them, the most I had in one image was six and that was taken when they were moving quickly up the mountain. In total I had the elk in my view for a little less than seven minutes.
The Elk all looked very healthy and their summer coats were sleek and shiny in the morning light.
Last week I heard elk calling on two separate days in two different areas of the mountains and I had hoped to photograph them when I heard their calls but both times I couldn’t locate the elk and felt some disappointment but seeing and photographing the Elk yesterday more than made up for it. In fact, I felt like I had hit an Elk jackpot.
I also had a great time photographing a gorgeous male Belted Kingfisher, Gray Catbirds, Yellow Warblers and one of their chicks, American Goldfinches, a long distance Yellow-breasted Chat, foraging Song Sparrows, a Muskrat or two, Cedar Waxwings, and a Least Chipmunk nibbling on yet to ripen serviceberries.
It was a terrific morning in the high country.
Life is good. Stay safe.
Click here to see more of my Elk photos plus facts and information about this species.
These Elk photos were taken with my Nikon D500 with my Nikkor 500mm VR and 1.4x TC attached, apertures used were f7.1 and f8, shutter speeds ranged between 1/1000 and 1/2500, ISO was set at 500, exposure compensation was set at -0.3.
What a magnificent series of images! I would imagine the Bull Elks are going to have some spectacular battles over those pretty ladies. Thanks Mia.
Fabulous! Must have been so exciting! They look healthy & strong with lustrous coats. Nature is beautiful….we humans can be so destructive. Yet you were a gentle observer.
they look slim but well fed, and their coats are so healthy. but that fencing sure scares me, as it could cause injury. Wonderful series, Mia.
Sleek , elegant and beautiful.
I hope they stay away from the devil wire and love that you had such a wonderfu morning.
Absolutely Beautiful…Thank you so much.
Beautiful time! Thank you for posting!
Oh wow! And yes my first thought was how healthy they all looked.
Beautiful and healthy looking herd! What a special capture!
They look young. Beautiful.
Beautiful images. I felt like I was right there with them!
Spectacular, yes