Female Brown-headed Cowbird perched in a Utah Serviceberry, Wasatch Mountains, Morgan County, UtahFemale Brown-headed Cowbird perched in a Utah Serviceberry – Nikon D500, f7.1, 1/640, ISO 500, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light

Yesterday I mentioned that the adult Song Sparrows that are nesting high in the Wasatch Mountains have been busy chasing away other birds that have gotten near their nest and that it has been interesting to observe their behaviors. Three days ago one of the birds that the Song Sparrows chased off was an adult female Brown-headed Cowbird that landed on a serviceberry in front of me.

I know that some people despise Brown-headed Cowbirds, I don’t.

Native Brown-headed Cowbirds have bad reputations as brood parasites which means the female cowbirds lay their eggs in the nests of other birds and their young when hatched by the host species out compete their young which can mean fatalities of the host species chicks. That sounds grim and it is, especially since the cowbirds expanded their range to the east when historically they used to live primarily in the Great Plains.

These “Buffalo Birds” expanded their ranges in all directions during the 19th and 20th centuries during a time period when humans were cutting down the forests to the east, west, north and south of the Great Plains. Cowbirds typically avoid heavily forested areas but once those forests were chopped down and the lands that used to be forested became open fields, farm lands and residential areas it made it easier for these birds to expand their range.

Some of the birds here in the west have adapted to brood parasites.  If Yellow Warblers find a cowbird egg in their nest they build a new nest right over top of the cowbird egg and lay more eggs of their own and the cowbird egg never hatches because it isn’t incubated. Other birds recognize the cowbird eggs and destroy them but a large portion of the 220+ host species don’t.

Maybe the Song Sparrows chased off the female Brown-headed Cowbird three days ago because they didn’t want her laying an egg in their nest? I don’t know for sure, the sparrows probably laid their eggs more than a week ago.

Adult Savannah Sparrow with fledgling Brown-headed Cowbird, Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, Centennial Valley, Beaverhead County, MontanaAdult Savannah Sparrow with fledgling Brown-headed Cowbird – Nikon D300, f9, 1/800, ISO 500, Nikkor 200-400mm VR with 1.4x TC at 400mm, natural light

I spend a great deal of time in the field and I’ve only seen Brown-headed Cowbird fledglings with their “host” parents a few times. I’ve photographed interactions between cowbird fledglings and “host” Savannah Sparrow adult at Red Rock Lakes NWR in Montana. The Brown-headed Cowbird fledgling ran the adult sparrow nearly ragged trying to find enough food to satisfy the young bird’s bottomless appetite.

I find Brown-headed Cowbirds to be as fascinating as any other bird I photograph and when I have them in my viewfinder I don’t spend a moment of my time thinking about them being brood parasites. I am focused on taking photos of them.

Life is good. Stay safe.


Click here to see more of my Brown-headed Cowbird photos plus facts and information about this species.