Female Black-chinned Hummingbird perched on a thin branch – Nikon D500, f7.1, 1/500, ISO 500, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light
I get so excited when I have hummingbirds in my viewfinder especially when they are close enough for me to see the fine details in their tiny feathers. Yesterday I had a few opportunities to photograph the species I find most often in the Wasatch Mountains, Broad-tailed and Black-chinned Hummingbirds.
I see Broad-tailed more often than Black-chinned Hummingbirds and usually I see males far more frequently than I see the females of either species. That could be because I’ve learned to spot the males on their favorite perches and so far I haven’t been able to determine if the females have favorite perches at all.
Yesterday I saw this female Black-chinned Hummingbird land on a willow branch not far from where I sat in a mobile blind and I was delighted to photograph her. What can’t be seen in this frame is that there were three male hummingbirds displaying for her. I could hear their wings and calls and when I took my eye away from the viewfinder I could see them flying and swooshing in wide, high arcs.
The female Black-chinned Hummingbird didn’t seem to pay attention to the males at all for the few seconds I had her in my view. The female hummingbird stuck her tongue out briefly and then she flew off. I wonder if that meant anything. Perhaps their displays didn’t impress her much.
Life is good. Stay safe.
Click here to see more of my Black-chinned Hummingbird photos plus facts and information about this species.
Yes, the courtship acrobatics and the accompanying sound from the male’s wing-beats are unforgettable. Once again, you make me miss my prior home in the mountains of New Mexico!
A winged jewel….
Thank you. I needed this splash of feathered enchantment this morning.
I empathize with that feeling of excitement when I’m lucky enough to focus on a hummer. “Buck fever” usually ensues and I have to breathe deeply to stop the hands shaking. By which time, of course, the hummer has departed. Sigh.
You have another great capture to add to your list. Nice to see the female. Hope you get to observe the behaviours of suitors and female .
She looks a little fed up with all the boys’ shenanigans.
HB behavior is so fascinating and furious! That must have been quite a show. Our one hummingbird here can be quite the spectacle too. Thanks for sharing.