It Has Been Five Years…

Male Short-eared Owl resting in golden light – Nikon D810, f7.21, 1/500, ISO 400, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light, not baited
Since I Have Missed A Day Posting Here At On The Wing Photography.
That is one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven posts about birds, wildlife, flowers and the incredible scenery I see out in the field. That 1827 days includes 2 days for the leap years we have had during this five year period. I missed posting on May 2, 2015 because I was in the wilderness in Montana and must have had a very poor connection to the internet that morning and couldn’t post a thing.
I started my blog more than 10 years ago and at first I only posted sporadically. By February of 2012 I was sharing my photos and the stories behind them daily. Sometimes more than once a day. I guess I have had a lot to say about my obsessive passion for birds in the 3,255 posts I have written thus far.
I’ve learned so much in the past five years from my trips into the field, from my subjects, from nature, and from you, my faithful viewers. I’ve also learned that I have strengths that I didn’t know that I had.
Knowing that this special anniversary of sorts was upcoming has made me think about where I want to go from here. In addition to that going through the travel restrictions caused by the coronavirus the past few months has given me time to reflect, to question and to dissect my motives for doing what I do and how I have done it. And I wonder some more.
Is it time for a change?
Is it time to do something different? Do I want to continue my daily posts that are more often than not rushed because I am usually getting ready to head out into the field soon after I hit the button to publish or do I want to post less often but publish posts that are more in depth and if so what do I want to focus on? Do I want to focus more on conservation and the effects of climate change? Share more info on how I get the photos that I do? How I find the birds I photograph? Or continue as I have been by sharing the simple stories behind the images?
I’ve been photographing birds a long time and I am not about to give them up. My passion for them only grows stronger and I have reached a stage in my life where my desire to spend more time with each species has increased. I feel a desire to know them on a deeper level which means I can’t rush, I need to slow down.
I’m not just a bird photographer, I am also a birdwatcher. I don’t keep the lists that traditional birders do so I wouldn’t call myself a birder but I do have quite a bit of knowledge about my subjects stored inside my brain. I don’t mean just their names or how to identify them by sight or sound. I know them and I want to know more.
My sincere thanks go out to all of you who have commented here and supported me since I began sharing my images and the stories behind them on my site.
Life is good. Stay safe.
Click here to see more of my Short-eared Owl photos plus facts and information about this species.
Mia, My day begins with a cup of coffee and opening your post. I think it’s been about two years and I truly enjoy, viewing, reading and absorbing the knowledge you share. I’m happy you have stopped to reflect, it’s good for all of us to “check in” from time to time.
Whatever you decide to do, you’ll have a faithful band of followers.
Hope you find this ok, but I recently got a new pup, and I named her Mia. Both dogs and birds have a special place with people
Life is good
Stephen, with my Mia
I just want to add my voice to the chorus of your fans. I’m a newish follower of your marvelous posts. I find your passion and dedication to birds, to finding them and photographing them, your love of being outside, the way you showcase the beauty of the world while giving us information about the species itself is an inspiration. I don’t “click” on much of what’s shared on social media. I have a Facebook account I rarely look at and finally Instagram so I can make an attempt to follow my children and a few close friends, but I’m not very regular, but I almost always open the day with what you share. Partly because of my love of western deserts, though I live in the northeast temperate zone. Having said that, I appreciate your honesty and candor as you wonder “what’s next.” Whatever you do, however you decide to grow/ change/evolve will no doubt be from the heart and that alone makes what you do with your art, your passion for birds, your skill, of great value to the world. Life is Good thanks in part to you.
Mia, everyone said what is in my heart, but much more eloquently than I could have so I’ll just simply say that I think you are amazing. Also, I think that there are times and opportunities that life brings us that prompt self reflection and opens us up to change. Sometimes we are ready and sometimes not quiet yet. Where ever your heart leads you I feel you will do amazing work. Be fulfilled, be strong, keep learning, be happy and know you are loved and appreciated by many. Best of luck with your choices Mia and I will continue to look for you and be happily surprised with each time you post. Thank you for each and every post you have shared with us and all your labors of love.
“On the Wing” is part of my morning routine, and I look forward to each and every post. I am a birder and amateur bird/nature photographer, so both you subjects and your technical know-how inspire me. I love that you share your life in the Wild with us, and will follow you wherever that path takes you! Thank you.
Thank you for sharing. You have helped me tremendously in the last couple of years.
I consider you a treasure…as an educator, fearless Fighter for the voiceless, skillfmulti-talented nature photographer, friend…
I echo what so msny have said better than I can….
As has been so eloquently expressed by your other enthusiasts on this page, you are absolutely amazing at what you do. Some of your images are so beautiful they should be hanging in the Smithsonian. For bird novices like me, you have introduced us not only to the avian world, but also to the intimacy of your love for all things living. Your images and narratives say it all.
Looking at it objectively I suppose searching for a greater understanding of your subjects is probably the next logical step. But wherever your interests and explorations lead you in the future…don’t forget to take your camera!
I know I’ve said it before, and at the risk of being redundant, you really are the gift that keeps on giving. Thanks Mia…for everything you share with us – every day.
Mia, we came together by coincidence, but I am so pleased that we did. I find your daily posts to be a bright spot in my day. The sheer enjoyment comes through in your words. I so envy the fact that you are free to explore the world you live in and make it your life work. You are so lucky. But I think you make your own luck.
Take the time to reconsider the options available to you. I think you have the makings of a great book. You have a great format that would easily convert to a book. Something to think about. But the other side of that coin would require a tremendous amount of time and I don’t know if you are willing to give up your time with the birds.
A lot to think about. Take your time and decide what is most important to you. It’s your life. Make sure you will enjoy the path you take.
Whatever you decide, I’ll continue to look forward to your posts in my inbox. The current state of things certainly offers food for thought on what’s truly important and where priorities may need to change in our lives so your reflections make perfect sense. As someone who used to live on the edge of the west desert in Utah as well as in Montana, your photos of birds and places + your words evoke many good memories of things I miss terribly. Best of luck deciding which direction to take your blog in future, and happy bird watching/photographing. Be well.
Echoing every one else.
I am endlessly grateful for the beauty and wonder you share.
Whatever you decide, will be fine by me (unless it is to give up blogging).
Stay well stay safe.
I will enjoy what you post –whatever and whenever. Thank you for the information you post about birds as well as the photos themselves. AND, thank you for your friendship.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom, insights, and gifts for both writing and photography with us for all these years, Mia. Whatever you decide to do, you’ll have our support!
Mia, I understand your self-reflection and your conflict. I loved writing my blogs but as time went on I was torn by my desire to be out in the fields and forest with the birds instead of inside at a computer processing photos and writing the blog. As we kept moving and the technology kept changing I finally made the choice to spend more time with the birds. I still miss my blog and sometimes I think of resurrecting it, but more as a written journal than a photographic one, as I am better with words than photography. Or, at least, I don’t need as much technology to just “write” a blog.
Right now I am focusing my attention on documenting breeding behaviors for the Maine Bird Atlas. We are into our 3rd year of a 5 year project. Last year my knee surgery and my husband’s stroke held me back some. This year I am trying to confirm breeding on more species and complete the 3 Atlas Blocks I adopted. Life does change us, and I am having fun learning about breeding bird behavior and breeding bird habitats. The birds are wonderful and there is so much to learn. Good luck as you go forward. I know the answer will come to you. And a book sounds good to me!
I want to take the time to thank you, Mia. I don’t know how long it has been since I subscribed, and I don’t comment often. But I want you to know how very much I appreciate your incredible photos. They always add a breath of fresh air to my day. Whatever you decide, whether you post every day or less often and go deeper with each bird, will be wonderful. And conservation is important, too. I thank you for all you do! Love and blessings to you!
As a Utahn who cannot live in Utah (I’m in eastern Canada– Nova Scotia) your posting has been important to me in many ways. I have learned so much, and frequently it is something lighthearted at a time when few other things are. For example, your explanation of the Belt of Venus and the Earth Shadow. I’ve been able to see them often since and had no idea of them before your post.
I will look forward to your postings, whether they are daily or less frequent, whether they change focus or continue as they are. Thank you so much for your stamina and passion!
I have really enjoyed your work and science.
Follow your good heart I will stay tuned.
You have been an inspiration to me.
Thank You Mia for bringing joy everyday with your beautiful photography. I am from the midwest and really
love your beautiful posts of the birds and surrounding environment of Utah. You surely deserve to follow
your dreams, yet I truly hope we will continue to see your images and read your thoughts in whatever time
becomes really good for you. Wishing you good “birdwatching times”
I am glad you decided on sharing your passion of birds, nature, conservation and photography with readers. 10 years of blogging; writing, photographing, researching, 5 years without missing a day is a big commitment to your passion. I have greatly enjoyed your photos, information and friendship. Like many I start my morning with a cup of coffee and reading your blog. With the changes in my life due to Covid-19, your blog and friendship have enriched my life even more, (and saved me from my toilet paper shortage) I support you in what you decided the next phase in your progression will be and look forward to learning along with you as new horizons may open for you.
Good Morning Mia, Congratulations on 5 years of sharing your wonderful images and information. I, like others who have commented, wondered how you could keep up with your daily blogs which are such an important part of my daily routine. I would miss the daily readings, but also support you taking very good care of yourself and doing whatever you need to do, allowing you to pursue your dreams. Like a dear friend once told me, our lives are like books. Sometimes we open to a new page, or a new chapter. Sometimes we start a new book. Whatever you decide, just know that you have brightened many days for all of us, and for that I am so grateful. Blessings to you.
I have learned so much from YOUR trips into the field. I would definitely miss your daily reports but whatever you choose to do, I will look forward to seeing “On The Wing Photography” in my inbox.
Congratulations, Mia. This is an amazing accomplishment! I for one of many, hope you continue. Your photos are amazing!
I have often wondered how you keep it up on a daily basis. I am sure at times it must seem like a burden. Though I look forward to every one of your posts, I certainly support you in trying something new. Perhaps a weekly study of a particular species, allowing you to schedule writing times around other activities easier. I know that your catalogue of photos will allow you to choose almost any North American species at any time.
Congratulations on your 5 year anniversary. I think that’s a huge accomplishment. I have enjoyed your posts for years now. You have made me put Utah and particularly Bear River NWR on my list of hope to see someday places. My interest in wild birds only started about 7 years ago, but I definitely identify with the feeling that this interest has only intensified and while I explore Florida I have dreams of seeing birds I know and new species in different places. Congratulations and thanks.
I can’t imagine (nor do I want to) a day when i don’t see “on the wing..” in my email inbox – cluttered as it has become, just knowing that someone does what you do in this world is comforting, inspiring, and educationally informative to say the least. The time skill & care you take to capture the images you do, with the stories you tell to boot, is one of the greatest gifts to humanity (whether or not we know it) & the natural world.
How exciting that you want to explore birds on a deeper level yet.
So whatever & however you choose to do it, please know your passion for birds & nature are seen & so appreciated, Mia. Gratitude for all your work & amazing posts. Look forward to your future posts. Slow is good, to paraphrase your saying!
Mia, I hope you realize how much daily pleasure and inspiration you give us, your followers. Your knowledge – and your willingness to share that knowledge and passion – is to be commended. THANK YOU