White-faced Ibis on the wing – Nikon D500, f7.1, 1/2500, ISO 640, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light
I took this White-faced Ibis on the wing over the marsh at Farmington Bay WMA photo last week and at first I thought the bird was too small in the frame but the more I look at it the more I like it. I like seeing the playa in the background, the warm tones of phrags behind the bird and the early morning light on the ibis itself but most of all I like how the photo connects the White-faced Ibis in flight to the habitat I see them in here in northern Utah.
As numerous as this species is here in Utah White-faced Ibis populations as a whole are in decline because of loss of habitat.
A large number of our White-faced Ibis will be migrating to warmer climates soon but I wouldn’t be surprised to see this species in small numbers as late as December or even in January.
Life is good.
Click here to see more of my White-faced Ibis photos plus facts and information about this species.
Not too small at all. And thank you.
Mia, see, the world and Michael Anthony Pope love you. Not only an exquisite image but another gift you share with your weary travelers The sheen of the Ibis’ feathers and watercolor background stirs my heart. The colors of Autumn and yes poetry. An image and the beautiful words of Michael Anthony Pope….yes, life is good.
My dear friend ! I look at your picture of the day every morning , first thing , it is often the highpoint of my day! I love the Ibis for its low key colouring and ungainly but very functional Beak. There must be a Ballet Dancer though, somewhere in its Gene Pool they show such perfection in their flight. See how this young Lady has her dead straight leading edge of her wings and maximum “nosedown” elevator trim to give her maximum lift coefficient at minimum speed for a delicate and graceful landing. She offsets and balances the elevator by drawing her heavy head and beak back just a little and keeps her legs together ( like her mother told her to) for minimum drag. “Poetry in Motion” I can just hear her mother saying “Put your legs together , you don’t want to look like a Crab” Mia I am 86 now and they won’t let me draw Aeroplanes any more so you are firmly situated in my life “Thank you for what you give to so many!” Michael Pope