Coyote looking for prey next to a creek – Nikon D500, f7.1, 1/2500, ISO 1250, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light, not called in or baited
Finding birds lately in the Wasatch Mountains has been a challenge because berry production is considerably lower this year than last and because it has been so hot that fall migrants might be delayed but I am still searching for them. Hopefully by next week the temps will cool down to within our normal range and I’ll start finding more birds.
If I hadn’t been looking for birds I wouldn’t have spotted this coyote searching for prey yesterday near a creek in a canyon which made it my best subject of the day. The coyote looked very healthy and its coat was beautiful. This photo was taken as the coyote attempted to capture prey, unfortunately it missed whatever the prey was.
(My high ISO in this image was because earlier I had bumped it up in the hopes of spotting a mink, I’d forgotten to bump it back down, realized how high it was and bumped it down for the rest of the photos I took of this coyote.)
Coyote looking for prey in a brush pile – Nikon D500, f7.1, 1/1600, ISO 640, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light, not called in or baited
The coyote continued to walk through the grasses searching for prey, sniffing the ground and occasionally the coyote would glance in my direction. Not long after this photo was taken I lost sight of the coyote and went on down the road. I was very glad to have a coyote in my viewfinder again.
Life is good.
Click here to see more of my Coyote photos plus facts and information about this species.
We used to hear them singing on the gold course nearby, but haven’t heard any for quite a while now…I don’t like to even guess why….looks like your guy could use a few good meals…
Just beautiful. Thank you, and like Marty, I am glad you got out.
Such gorgeous animals! Glad you guys decided to go out and about yesterday!
He’s a lean one! Beautiful shots.
We have a family near us, not seen just hear them at night.
I sometimes hear Coyotes “yipping” at night. I love listening to them.