Adult Green-tailed Towhee on a blooming serviceberry – Nikon D500, f8, 1/800, ISO 500, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light
Last week I spent some time up in the mountains and canyons looking and listening for spring migrants and it reminded me of the time I spent up there last year with my mom while she visited me here in Utah. Yesterday I looked through some of the images I took while my mother was here and decided to share this Green-tailed Towhee photo that I took while we slowly moved through the canyon during the third week of May.
Mom was sitting behind me in the backseat of my Jeep taking photos with her cell phone and small point & shoot camera of the places we were seeing. When mom and I found this adult Green-tailed Towhee singing while perched on a blooming Utah Serviceberry of course we had to stop and take its photo! This photo and the others I took while my mom and I explored Utah together stir up wonderful memories and together we found a ton of birds and animals.
I didn’t see any Green-tailed Towhees while I was up in the mountains last week but I know that finding them is just around the corner. I didn’t take many high quality photos of Green-tailed Towhees last year and I aim to change that this season. I have found that these towhees are easier to photograph during the breeding season because they sing and perch out in the open more often. Listening for their song helps when trying to find them.
Life is good.
Click here to see more of my Green-tailed Towhee photos plus facts and information about this species.
Thank you all for your wonderful comments. It was such a delight to have my mom with me especially since she can spot birds as easily as I do and that was a nice change.
You never disappoint Mia. It’s all there. Color, composition and, of course, exquisite detail. A perfect pic. Thanks.
I am always grateful when you include the song.
What precious memories there are attached to this photo.
I use to get a few in my yard in the fall. They have an interesting car alarm like call.
Such a lovely moment you shared
I love this shot, and am happy for you for the memories it brings. It was my Mom that first introduced me to birding in the backyard.
Beautiful bird
What a pretty bird! Beautiful photos, warm memories.