Immature Pied-billed Grebe being chased over the water – Nikon D500, f7.1, 1/2000, ISO 400, -0.3 EV, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light
In just a little over two weeks birders, hunters and bird photographers should have access to more of Farmington Bay WMA than we have had since March. Or will we?
I need to check it out with my own eyes but it sounds like there is some construction going on at Farmington Bay WMA. I’ve noticed lots of construction going on in the area outside of the WMA and it may have to do with the West Davis Corridor, a project that no one should want there because it will damage wetlands and impact all of the birds and wildlife in the area. The comment period is only open for a few more days but you know at this point I think UDOT will just ignore those comments. I believe they are set on ruining the wetlands for us and the birds now.
Immature Pied-billed Grebe rushing across the water with prey – Nikon D500, f7.1, 1/2000, ISO 400, -0.3 EV, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light
I photographed this immature Pied-billed Grebe with prey last October at Farmington Bay while another grebe chased it across the open water. At times I have seen 15 to 20 Pied-billed Grebes in this area hunting for prey, chasing each other and resting in between.
Immature Pied-billed Grebe scooting across the water with prey – Nikon D500, f7.1, 1/2000, ISO 400, -0.3 EV, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light
I don’t know what to expect the next time I head to Farmington Bay. I hope that we will have the same access to areas that we have had in years past but right now I don’t think we can depend on that. I think we all need to be ready for change and that it won’t be change for the better.
Life is good.
Click here to see more of my Pied-billed Grebe photos plus facts and information about this species.
I should have saved my Muybridge comparison for this series of pics. Great movement. Your shots certainly capture the feeling of the grebe taking off with his prize. Thanks Mia.
Oh how I HATE this progress thing, which really means a bunch of greedy-gut racketeers are filling their pockets by pillaging the Earth. And with this surge of climate deniers taking power, it’s damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead! We’ve got to stop them, but there are so many oblivious folks out there who don’t give a tinker’s damn as long as they have a job! So very short-sighted.
Sorry to be tardy, but Internet access wasn’t happening this weekend. SIGH!
And darn, I neglected mention how much I enjoyed your image–just beautiful. Looks like this individual MIGHT have stolen that fish from another and is making a clean getaway…or more probably, there’s a kid chasing him/her hoping to pull off a heist!
I have had a hard time mentally going to Farmington Bay due to all the development in the area. I physically feel ill when I do go. The Legacy Freeway construction still makes bile rise in my throat. I can’t image what the next round will do to one of my favorite places.
On this side of the world it is happening too.
We are endangering the Great Barrier Reef for the sake of a coal mine. WTF????? And our governments are prepared to lend the company in question up to a billion dollars to do it.
Progress? Retrograde steps in my view.
A coal mine? I thought coal mines were being banned because of greenhouse emissions & climate change. You’re right…..WTF???
Sadly our current government has more than its fair share of climate change deniers. Who insist that coal is good.
Oh, Mia! This is breaking my heart!
I am with Patty too. Here is the same thing.
And they come along with a bunch of lies saying they will create a lot of jobs and that will be good for the development of the place…bla,bla,bla.
So sad.
I completely agree with Patty Chadwick. They are going to do what they want to do. We have an huge condo/entertainment project slated for Niagara Falls, Ontario that will severely impact the wetlands here. They say it is “on hold” so why are we seeing lots of construction equipment entering the site & huge dump trucks leaving the site full of ground soil. “On hold”, my foot!
My son lives on Grand Island…I haven’t heard of this project…
It’s going where Thundering Waters golf course was in NF, Ontario. In behind the golf course are wetlands. Unfortunately, it not only will go in where the golf course was but continue further on until it meets up with the Welland River/Chippawa Creek. It’s the “further on” that will impact the wetlands. The idea being kicked around right now is moving the wetlands so they won’t be impacted…….as if! Mega $$’s override nature & common sense.
I hate the fact, and I do mean fact, that “comment periods” are usually merely appeasement tokens…that the outcomes of such projects are predetermined, preplanned and destined to be implemented, regardless of any arguement or objections. Logic, common sense and environmental issues are often completely ignored..
Nice captures! I’ve never seen them with live food!