Wing flapping Red-breasted Merganser – Taken at Farmington Bay WMA in 2010
Two days ago I saw several rafts of Red-breasted Mergansers at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge and that excited me because I like to photograph them but the ones I saw weren’t too cooperative and flew away rather quickly.
Red-breasted Mergansers do not breed in Utah, they breed much further north in Alaska, across northern Canada to New Newfoundland and the Great Lakes of Michigan, but they do migrate through this area. I hope I have plenty of opportunities to photograph them at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Farmington Bay WMA and closer to home at some local ponds during fall and spring migration.
Click here to see more of my Red-breasted Merganser photos plus facts and information about this species.
I really don’t have much to say this morning because I feel extremely disappointed and dumbfounded about the defendants being found not guilty in the armed takeover of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. I am angry that these extremists took over OUR refuge, held it hostage for weeks and I feel that justice was not served. I hope that justice will be served in Nevada.
That news hasn’t reached us yet. Flabber and ghasted. Gob and smacked.
Hiss and spit.
The Meranser is beautiful. But there is still a bad taste in my mouth.
Dumbfounded is the only appropriate word! Apparently it’s a simple case of jury nullification wrapped up in our disturbingly angry political landscape.
Our red-breasted mergansers haven’t arrived yet in Niagara but will be soon. I’m looking forward to them. I, for one, do not understand the logic behind the “not guilty” verdict. I heard snippets of conversations this morning on this topic & people really are dumbfounded. I notice that you left out your usual “Life is good” this morning. It truly is a sad day.
Liz, I did leave the “Life is good.” out on purpose, it just felt flippant to say that after what happened with these verdicts and what happened yesterday to the protesters in SD. What a screwed up day.
Those law breakers were obstructive and destructive of public property and should have been charged accordingly…this sends a terrible, terrible, unjust message…a pox on the court!!!
Beautiful photo, Mia. Many of us feel the same way about Malheur.