Sub-adult Red-tailed Hawk near some railroad tracks – Nikon D500, f6.3, 1/1600, ISO 400, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light, not baited
Good morning from Clark County, Idaho! I was able to get away from Utah for a bit and I am enjoying being out on our public lands again. I’m struggling a bit trying to do this morning’s post because my mouse has either died or just decided to be a pain in the butt and I really don’t like using the touch pad on my lap top.
Yesterday evening I was able to take some bird images with my new Nikon D500 so I am a happy woman, a very happy woman.
I’m not real happy with the background in this image because of the way the one rail from the track crosses the frame. I do love the look I was getting from the sub-adult Red-tailed Hawk just before it flew away to land on a perch on the other side of the railroad tracks.
I hope to find more birds and animals this trip.
Life is good.
Click here to see more of my Red-tailed Hawk photos plus facts and information about this species.
Part, an important part, of what I love about the detail in your pics is the sharpness and depth you capture in the eyes your bird images. You never disappoint, Mia. This is absolutely wonderful stuff. Thanks.
Thanks for you comments everyone.
Love that look.
Mia, why do you call this a “sub-adult” Red-tail? Details would be helpful to me.
Sallie Reynolds
Sallie, this Red-tailed Hawk has the “red tail” of an adult but it still has light colored eyes. In an adult the eyes would be dark.
Great shot Mia…I also shoot the new D500 and am very happy too! You’re right…life is good!
The images of that bird is so compelling, I didn’t even notice the tracks until I reread your comment. I hope your trip is good, bird-filled, and techno-glitch free…maybe that hawk would like to “fix” your uncooperative mouse!
Beautiful, especially the intense stare.
I agree with Kim…..I had to take a second look at the photo to notice the rail showing up. You are your own worst critic! Great shot!
Thats a gorgeous image,Mia.
Ha! The things you notice in your pics that others don’t! Another great shot! Thanks for sharing.