Male Black-necked Stilt near the auto loop at Bear River – Nikon D810, f7.1, 1/800, ISO 400, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light
Last week while on the auto tour loop at Bear River I saw plenty of American Avocets and Black-necked Stilts. Their breeding season is over and there are lots of young with the adults in the shallow water or resting on the gravel road.
The Black-necked Stilt adults seem to be still keeping an eye on their young and that is what this male Black-necked Stilt was doing near the auto tour loop. There were a few juvenile feeding nearby that I couldn’t quite get clear shots of but this male was out in the open.
They are such long-legged and elegant looking shorebirds that it is no wonder that so many people find them appealing.
Life is good.
Such a stylish bird.
Amazing that those long, skinny,pink legs can actually hold up anything! If he doffed that tuxedo it might lighten the load on them a little……still, very elegant!
Great find and shot.If I want to see this species I better get out with the nature club.
I love this picture. Beautiful pink legged “gal”!!!
Another of my favorite shorebird… hard to chose.
Beautiful single bird shot. I was amazed at all the youth on the road 2 weeks ago. This week there were not as many. Sadly my favorite small pond for photos and observation is dry now. I guess the refuge channels what water they have into the major ponds. this time of year.
In that pool just inside the gate on the left? They seem to like that spot and I saw many cool behaviors there back in May. I bet it would be a good spot to sit down low on the edge somewhere in camo with one’s gear. Love these birds!
Beautiful photo, Mia
I’ve never seen a bird like this. I think I like him.
A good place Bear River Migratory Bird refuge. Nice pictures
Nice bird. Those long legs are something.!
Mia… you sure do good work… ;-)))