A Mountain Cottontail on a snow drift – Nikon D810, f8, 1/2000, ISO 640, +0.7 EV, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light
Just a simple image today of a resting Mountain Cottontail on a snow drift taken on Antelope Island State Park near the park headquarters. I do wish that I didn’t have man made objects in the background on the right side of the frame, it would have been wonderful if the snow had drifted over the pile of wood and branches.
I’m getting cabin fever due to not being out in the field, the gray skies and icky weather are keeping me indoors and the forecast for the next few days doesn’t look good for photo opportunities but we need the snow to fill our reservoirs so I am trying not to complain, much. I am looking forward to brighter days.
Life is good.
Hi! That is a beautiful shot of a sleepy little bunny! Honey! love mom! No snow here! Crazy warm weather coming again Here in Va.?? All over the USA it seems? Have a great day
What an absolute stunner.
Here, in northern California, it’s raining like crazy so you might be hunkered down like the cottontail for awhile. Keep the photos coming to help all us storm-bound. John
That’s obviously a “snow bunny”…they ski the easy trails then stand around at the bottom of the hill, celebrating their survival. Reminds me a lot of a dwarf, mini bunny a fed-up pet shop gave me years ago.
She had little, round ears and big, round, black eyes lije this one. They claimed she kicked food out of the cage all over the floor, and were sick of iher. I named her “Bunita”, gave her MUCH larger home and never had problem with her?..she was a great little character and a lot of fun.
Simple and beautiful!
Now there is a good lookin bunny.