Hovering Northern Harrier – Nikon D200, f5.6, 1/1600, ISO 400, +0.7 EV, Nikkor 200-400mm VR with 1.4x TC at 400mm, natural light, not baited
Just a short post this morning because I am fighting internet connection issues again.
I photographed this hovering Northern Harrier several years ago at Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management Area as it scanned the marsh below for prey. Normally I would want to be able to see the eyes or have the bird looking at me but in this image I felt the hovering behavior was important and this is the way harriers are seen when they are hunting… head down and eyes on the ground.
Sorry this is short.
By the way, my camera is out of the shop and now it and it just needs to be shipped. I hope they overnight it, I will know once the tracking number is entered.
Life is good.
Click here to view more of my Northern Harrier photos plus facts and information about this species.
Great image. I saw one yesterday on a high wire eating as I drove past..Hope your internet problem is solved soon. Some days I have to do a reset a time or two with Comcast.
Gorgeous photo! Am going to share!!
‘Eyes on the prize’.
I hope they do use overnight shipping. You have been bereft for too long.
Neatest photo of a harrier I have ever seen, thanks Mia.
Exquisite form! Love his golden talons. Nature blends so well. Thank you, Mia.
That’s one amazing shot! …it captures such wonderful detail and the very essence of “Harrierism”…love the intensity of focus…looks like the end for some happless vole ’cause that aint no angel hovering over it!!! Never saw an image like this before….a real winner! Here’s hoping you get your camera back…SOON!!!
Love it!
Love it!
Great hovering pose. Glad you will be able to get your 810 fix soon.
Fantastic shot!