A missed prey hand off from the adult to the juvenile Swainson’s Hawk
I am having an awful time posting because my cell signal here at Red Rock Lakes NWR is cruddy this trip so I have to keep this short or not post at all. During previous trips the signal has been fine.
I sat with some juvenile Swainson’s Hawks yesterday morning for quite some time and it eventually paid off when an adult came in to hand off prey but the young hawk missed. The vole fell to the ground and after the adult Swainson’s flew off…
A juvenile Swainson’s Hawk diving after the missed prey hand off
The juvenile Swainson’s dove down to the ground after it. It was pretty nifty to see through my lens. I hope I get to spend more time with these raptors.
I had more that I wanted to write about this but I have grown tired of trying to fight my cruddy cell signal. Maybe it will get better. I hope so. Fighting the signal takes the winds out of my sails.
Life is good.
Click here to see more of my Swainson’s Hawk photos plus facts and information about this species.
HI Mia, Have you learned about the fate of the barn owl Ron and you rescued? It was such a sad and poignant photo and situation and I have been wondering if the owl lived. I think it was so fortunate you drove by and were able to give it a hand. Thanks, Wendy
Echoing (again) Patty. Enjoy yourself. Never mind the post – though I loved this as always.
The failed pass-off is a great photo! Those “lucky” shots only come to those who put in the time!
Kudos to you.
(I always feel sorry for the prey…though I accept it’s nature’s way.)
Great images and story. I liked your use of the word nifty…haven’t heard it for awhile.
Take care of you first, Mia. I and the others are just grateful for all you do for our feathered friends and sharing your love of them with us. Gorgeous birds—gorgeous images.
To heck with psting…just enjoy!!!
Watching young birds is alway fun — wonderful shots, Mia!
Dang, Mia, those are great pictures. Don’t let the cyber goblins getcha down.
beautiful shots.
So glad you could get these photos posted….fantastic!