The Sandhill Crane colts at Farmington Bay are as tall as their parents and look just like them except for the markings on their head and the color of their bills and eyes.

Sandhill Cranes at Farmington Bay, UtahSandhill Crane And Its Nearly Full-sized Colt – Nikon D810, f10, 1/800, ISO 400, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light

In this photo the colt is on the left and the adult is on the right and shows that adult’s bill is darker, its eyes are orange and it has a fully developed red crown.

The colts grow very quickly after they hatch when they weigh about 114 grams and by late summer weigh about 4850 grams. The brownish tones of the colt’s plumage will fade this coming winter.

I love Sandhill Cranes, watching them dance, raise their young and hearing their calls which definitely touch something deep inside of me. I’m going to hate to see them leave for the winter but I know they will return next spring.

Life is good.


Click here to see more of my Sandhill Crane photos plus facts and information about this species.